Sunday and the Sabbath should be observed



“Then let us put our differences aside and say it is right that we should worship on both the sabbath and the lords day, that way we remember both and worship twice a week giving twice as much glory to God.”


Bottom line.....

The 4th commandment, the 7th day sabbath, is the test...of loyalty, towards God.

It has ever been so, and ever shall be so.

Ezekiel 20:12 Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I [am] the LORD that sanctify them.

20:19 I [am] the LORD your God; walk in my statutes, and keep my judgments, and do them;

20:20 And hallow my sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I [am] the LORD your God.

Isaiah 66:22 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain.

66:23 And it shall come to pass, [that] from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.

Romans 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness ?


Adventists believe that the 4th Commandment is the 'Seal of God” even though it was Jesus who was sealed ...

But .. here's EGW with another “oops” moment

Exposing Adventism - Ellen White on the Seal of God

Did Ellen White tell the truth about the Seal of God?

Here is yet another example of Ellen White's intellectual dishonesty.

She claimed that the seal of God's law is found in the fourth commandment.

This only, of all ten, brings to view both the name and the title of the Lawgiver. It declares him to be the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and thus shows his claim to reverence and worship above all others. Aside from this precept, there is nothing in the decalogue to show by whose authority the law is given. When the Sabbath was changed by the papal power, the seal was taken from the law. The disciples of Jesus are called upon to restore it, by exalting the Sabbath of the fourth commandment to its rightful position as the Creator's memorial and the sign of his authority. (Great Controversy, 1888, p. 451)

How convenient it is that she fails to include Exodus 20:2 which emphatically introduces the Giver of the Decalogue. Perhaps she also didn't realize that its Author is also given in the 2nd, the 3rd, and the 5th commandment, as well as the 4th!


“Is there any record of Abraham observing the seventh day sabbath?”


There is no actual statement that Abraham observed the seventh-day Sabbath... however, God declared this of him: “Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.”

What commandments, statutes, and laws do you suppose Abraham obeyed, since God had not written the Ten Commandments yet?

And what was the covenant that God made with Israel, that He hadn't made with their ancestors?

The covenant was this: “If you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people... and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”

The covenant is that, If the children of Israel would obey God's voice, then they would hold a special place in His heart and they would be a holy kingdom where everyone would be a potential priest of Yahweh.

This was, indeed, a new covenant that God had not made with any other group of people. But that doesn't mean that God's law didn't already exist. Hence, we go back to Abraham, who obeyed God's voice and kept His charge, His commandments, His statutes, and His laws.

Notice the doublet? Abraham was called upon to obey God's voice and Israel was called upon to obey God's voice.

So, when God made His covenant with Abraham, it was in this manner: “This is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male child among you shall be circumcised.” And what was God's part of the covenant? He said, “I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly. Behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations... I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you.”

So, you see that the two covenants are very closely tied together. The covenant with Abraham established that a great nation would proceed from Abraham's loins... and the covenant with the great nation that proceeded from Abraham's loins established that they would be a holy nation made up of priests.

So the question still remains: What commandments, statutes, and laws did Abraham obey, since God had not written the Ten Commandments yet?


Can't you see the answer in your own words, “since God had not written the Ten Commandments yet”?

Must it be the same words and same commandments to be the Law of God?

At the creation, and God knowing the Sabbath would follow just the next day, when He gave commandment to Adam and Eve, why did He not give the Sabbath-commandment when He actually gave commandment? Because obedience to the Law of God is obedience to GOD. Whatever God gives commandment of “TODAY, if ye hear my Voice, do not harden your heart!” -- if 'today' it is the sabbath, then it is the Sabbath; but if it is not the Sabbath for that 'today' of God's Voice speaking, it is not the Sabbath. In that day that the Voice of God speaks the Sabbath (into being) then that day it shall be the Sabbath. Since the Sabbath was not spoken to Abraham, it is safe to take for granted Abraham's obedience did not include Sabbath-keeping. The Bible tells what God actually commanded Abraham (to leave his own country etc.). And in that, Abraham obeyed the Law of God.

What about the MANY generations that never had an inkling of what the Sabbath Commandment is, or meant, yet they were the truest of God's children?

This day - the day and era of the Kingdom and Kingship of Christ Jesus, His Voice “Thus concerning the Seventh Day” in fact did come to all People hearing the Word of God “in these last days .... IN THE SON”.

HOW? “Thus”: “In the Sabbath's fullness of daylight ... there was a great earthquake, and an angel of the Lord came down from heaven ....”Mt28:1. The Christian Sabbath is established once for all eternity in and by the resurrection of the Lord of the Sabbath Day on the day He obtained Divine Lordship on - the Day of HIS Triumph and Victory over death and grave. The NEW Testament unequivocally states, it happened “On the Sabbath” and “before the First Day of the week, which means, that Jesus rose from the dead on the “Seventh Day the Sabbath of the LORD your God.”


About GC, “What commandments, statutes, and laws did Abraham obey, since God had not written the Ten Commandments yet?”   As always, a very excellent question, G.C. I looked briefly at the Greek words and their usages in other places and really don't know what to make of it so far. I did notice that this verse is not the only time that God mentions such things as his commandments and his law previous to the actual Mt. Sinai incident where He actually carved them into stone. This would suggest that there was already a sort of verbal structure of laws and commands that God had given to those who would hearken unto his voice. Must have been quite an interesting era that people actually had to listen to the voice of God with no book of rules in black and white -- or stone as it were -- to follow (not to mention beat others over the head with).

I am hoping that this is a “socratic” question, to which you already have an answer. I will be very interested to see what you have to say about it.


The Ten Commandments were not written on tables of stone to show that it would be indestructible, but just the opposite, that it was temporary and imperfect. The first thing Moses did with the Tables when he returned from the mountain, was to destroy them!!

Then at the first revelation of God's redemption of his chosen People, specifically the Fourth Commandment was changed very significantly (Deut5). The creation-part of it was omitted completely, and in its place came the Redemption-motive.

The Christian should believe the Commandments of God because of God's Eternal and unchangeable WORD - the 'VOICE' someone referred to above. God's Word of course is Christ, and therefore, Christ is the Law of God that truly is 'the expression of the character of God', as some WRONGLY refer to the graven in stone Law.

There was nothing wrong with the 'old' Law or Ten Commandments; it was only imperfect. Paul says it has retired, and Hebrews says it grew old and therefore faced disappearance from the scene of Christian Ethics.

Not even the pedagogic function of the TC or general OT Law applies any more, because Jesus Christ now is the One who draws 'all men' towards Himself.

A Christian believing the Sabbath because of the Law, is no different from the Jews. And what does it profit the Jews since they do not believe The One Law Giver Who Himself Is The Law of God?


About GC, “And what was the covenant that God made with Israel, that He hadn't made with their ancestors?

And what was the covenant that God made with Israel, that He hadn't made with the 'heathen'? “... and the covenant with the great nation that proceeded from Abraham's loins established that they would be a holy nation made up of priests”.... the covenant with the holy nation that was grafted in by grace through faith, just so established that they would be a nation of priests and kings and co-rulers with Christ, Rv20:1-6.


FN wrote, “I am hoping that this is a 'socratic' question, GC... one to which you already have an answer.”  

Unfortunately, we don't always have an answer... not even for ourselves... and we like to keep it that way, because it keeps us humble and pliant. And so long as we are humble and pliant, we can continue to learn and grow.

We learned a long time ago that our salvation (thank God) has nothing to do with how many answers we have. If we don't know something... or understand something... it only means we don't know it or understand it yet. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with our salvation.

So, if we don't have an answer yet... we just keep searching. And we don't search as if our eternal life depends on it, because it doesn't. We simply file the unanswered question in its appropriate place, knowing that with continued study and a continued openness to the holy Spirit's leading, we will more than likely one day discover a reasonable explanation. But, if we don't... that's okay, too.

If a person is driven to know every answer correctly, they will eventually succumb to obsessive/compulsive tendencies; and (ugh!) that's no way to become like Christ (which should be our only goal).


About GE, “The Ten Commandments were not written on tables of stone to show that it would be indestructible, but just the opposite, that it was temporary and imperfect.”

That statement makes it seem that God, is imperfect Himself, that HE makes mistakes?

Especially when the Bible, makes a very clear declaration that the Law is....PERFECT.


You imply I, ‘especially’, say God makes mistakes and is imperfect?

 The Law of the LORD is perfect” (Ps19:7) which ‘Law’ is perfect only in the Perfection of the LORD. It says not, quoting SDA, “the Law is....PERFECT”; it says not the ‘Law engraved in stone’, is perfect! If the TC ‘engraved in stone’ were perfect, what did the LORD need to have changed it most specifically in the Fourth Commandment? No it says, “The Law-of-the-LORD, is perfect.” The LORD being The Law, is perfect.

Did I say God makes mistakes?

Did I say the Law is not perfect, not good, not holy?

Did I say the Law does not apply for ever to everyone?

WHY would you read these things into what I have said? Because you think I do not believe the Sabbath or the Scriptures?

No! Because what I say does not come from your Church or from your prophetess, let's be frank. So everyone who is not an SDA must be an enemy of God's Sabbath Day.

Tch tch!!



Quoting GE, “The first thing Moses did with the Tables when he returned from the mountain, was to destroy them!!

Moses did this to show the people that they had broken their promise to God.


Ja; that as well. It cannot be otherwise, ever.


Of the 613 Commandments/Laws in the Torah, how many do you follow SS?

Since SDA Salvation requires perfection/sinless living and perfect obeying of YHWH's commandments (all 613 Laws)


Have you counted the number of commandments and law contained in the Torah, Doc? Is that how you came by such a large number? Or, are you mindlessly parroting someone else's statistic? And... if you have counted them... how many of the sacrificial laws did you include in that number?


GE wrote, “obedience to the Law of God is obedience to GOD. Whatever God gives commandment of “TODAY, if ye hear my Voice, do not harden your heart!”

This portion of your post I think is very well put and I could not agree with you more.

Do I interpret the end of your post correctly, however, that it is your position that God has given each and every believer the commandment “today” to keep the “seventh day sabbath”?


The way I understand this according to Heb. 3&4 is; “today” is the sabbath day of rest in Gods salvation for those who hear Him. So whatever day you find yourself hearing God, this is the sabbath, hopefully this is every day. So Saturday and Sunday are no more holy than any other day.

As to the law being imperfect, the only way it is imperfect is that it cannot save us, not because it is imperfect but because we cannot keep it. That is why Jesus came, kept the law and died so we, and all those before Him, can be made perfect in Him through faith and forgiveness. So the problem is not the law, the problem is us.

To make a stab at the Question, what was the law before the ten commandments: They were contained in the law of faith in God, from Adam until today, faith in God has always superseded and encompassed the ten commandments.


My best possible explanation is Jesus Christ and how God through and in Him “spake” (Hb4:4-5). Not only Jesus' words --- but his deeds; and not only his deeds in life, but his Final Word through resurrection from the dead. That Word from and of God, was His Word “Thus concerning the Seventh Day (speaking): And God the Seventh Day from all His works, rested!” .... ‘rested’, by Jesus Christ, and by Jesus Christ in resurrection from the dead; and by Jesus Christ in resurrection from the dead “In Sabbath's fullness” (Mt28:1).

Mark that this is a NEW Testament Scripture! And it is based on one event only, the truth and fact of Jesus' Christ having raised from the dead “On the Sabbath” in the flesh of gloried human body --- as He would do “according to the Scriptures” of all Gods Word of all ages: “Today, if you hear My Voice!”

So yes, you understand me 100% correctly!

But avoid the duplicity in your words, “Do I interpret the end of your post correctly, however, that it is your position that God has given each and every believer the commandment “today” to keep the “seventh day sabbath”?” : make it rather, '.... God “today” has given each and every believer the commandment to keep the “seventh day sabbath” --- by His Word of Law, Jesus Christ— not only by living, teaching and ministering a life of Sabbath-keeping, but by creating it as it were originally through having raised from the dead “In the Sabbath's fullness” - Mt28:1.

I go further than you do, where you say, “As to the law being imperfect, the only way it is imperfect is that it cannot save us, not because it is imperfect but because we cannot keep it”, because I say the Law we are here speaking of also is imperfect in ethical sense. Which is easily seen in many respects, such as having more than one spouse. Jesus made this very Law much heavier to bear, when He said, for example, if you so much as hate your brother in your mind, you are his murderer.

No, it’s not only because the Law cannot save that it is imperfect, although that is most true!




You seem to have missed the other two points of my post, about the sabbath and the law of faith. Could you slow down a little and respond? Please

About, JD, “As to the law being imperfect, the only way it is imperfect is that it cannot save us, not because it is imperfect but because we cannot keep it”, and GC, “We've heard this before, but we're not sure where it comes from. Would you mind seeing if you (or anyone else reading this) could find where Scripture makes the claim that we are incapable of keeping God's law?”

You need look no further than yourself. Do you keep the law? Did Adam keep the law, thou shalt not eat?


You have answered yourself so well no one could answer better, “....we are incapable of keeping God's law”. Scripture can only confirm the truth of it.


About JD, “As to the law being imperfect, the only way it is imperfect is that it cannot save us, not because it is imperfect but because we cannot keep it.”

We've heard this before, but we're not sure where it comes from. Would you mind seeing if you (or anyone else reading this) could find where Scripture makes the claim that we are incapable of keeping God's law?


In fact, you are dead right : that is, _dead_ right! Isn't it what this 'argument' shows and wants to show, merely? I cannot find fault with either viewpoints. It is true “As to the law being imperfect, the only way it is imperfect is that it cannot save us, not because it is imperfect but because we cannot keep it”; and it is also true it is not a direct statement of Scripture.  Only, Scripture expressly states that no one by the law shall be justified; which is just as good as saying that no one by the law shall be saved. The RCC of course denies this, but this is what makes of one a Protestant.


SDA can't seem to understand that Jesus was addressing Jews in his conversations, especially when it came to legalism and matters of the Jewish law.

Gentile converts were never told to obey the law in terms of Jewishness. That includes Sabbath keeping:

Law and Christ....

Romans 6:14; “For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.”

7:4; “Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.”

7:6:”But now are we delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held: that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.”

Romans 10:4; “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth.”

“End” in Greek is “telos” “The conclusion of an act, termination, result, the completion of a definite point or goal.” This means that Christ fulfilled all the law in our stead, so that we are no longer under the law, but grace (unmerited pardon). The law had a beginning and a completion or fulfilment through Jesus Christ.

On the other hand, the Bible nowhere teaches that the “Lord's Day” is a reference to the first day of the week, especially, since there is no evidence that Jesus was resurrected on the first day of the week. Sunday observance is purely a Pagan law legislated by the Roman Empire.



When you talk to Rabbi's, and ask them what is the “law”? They will answer the commandments laid down thruout the Torah! Which means the 613 commandments!  Now: Which law does Paul the Apostle talk of?  The 10 commandments? or the Torah (written Law) ? Now whenever somebody is taking about the Written Law, what are they talking of?

The Torah!

And what of the Oral Law?

The Talmud and Mishnah

You see, very specific things, that can be easily verified.

So for SDA to say that the Law only constitutes the 10 commandments is flat out unbiblical, since the Law constitutes the entire written law seen in the Torah!

We as Christians are supposed to uphold the 10 commandments and live the way Christ did, and we can see his teachings on those 10 commandments and how he applied them in certain ways .. some more strict, others more lax than how the “Big 10” were interpreted back 2000 years ago.


For SDA to say that as an SDA, he must obey the “LAW”, that means one thing very precisely ... that is to follow the Written Law as seen thruout the Torah!  Which is why he was happy to see my posts showing the commandments, since he now can copy the list and see for himself what he must obey!



About SDA, “Moses did this to show the people that they had broken their promise to God.”

Who would not notice? But before this, Moses wanted to show them that they broke the LAW of God! Here, just like this! and Moses shattered God's Law on the ground.

So What happened only a short while after --- of which I made mention before --- that God Himself re-wrote that Law and specifically the Fourth, with major changes; and this last 'Version' of it, Moses had actually put into the ark of the Covenant.
So don't say I am dissatisfied with God's Law if God Himself found reason to adapt it to nearer to perfection!

And let me tell you when God for the last time 'perfected' His Perfect Law: When He raised Christ from the dead “in the Glory of the Father” --- a truth the Seventh Day Adventists outright deny and reject!!



About JD, “The way I understand this according to Heb. 3&4 is; “today” is the sabbath day of rest in Gods salvation for those who hear Him.”


I cannot share your view.

What you are here talking of, is God, giving his Law in Jesus Christ, when he in mercy and love visits a soul in his lostness, to bring new life about in his heart by giving Himself to him. “Today” is God, giving Himself to you, o man! God does not save with the Sabbath; He saves by Himself. He is not the Sabbath; you cannot keep the God. You cannot have peace by the Sabbath Day; God's Rest-'katapausis' is what gives peace.

Now all this, is the basis -- verses 8 and 10 -- why, “a keeping of the Sabbath Day”-'sabbatismos' quote: “still is valid / obligatory / fast / mandatory for the People of God”. The 'katapausis' is God's doing; the 'sabbatismos is man's duty and doing “because of”-'gar' and the Participle of 10.


Six hundred and thirteen commandments ... the defining exhibit of “foolish contentions and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and VAIN”!

Let me remind the scoffers, these commandments in their day when God commanded them, were the “Today” of God's Voice to His - to no estranged, but His, People. They then, hardened the heart; today too - no different - people harden the heart, no matter God “in these last days to us speak through the Son ... and God the Seventh Day from all his works, rested”.

Have you just one small word from God through the Son for your Sunday-worship, o Christianity of today?


About GC, “ included every single sacrificial law, as well, but that's okay. So, our next question would be... which of these 613 laws (aside from the sacrificial laws, of course) do you have a problem with? 

What may be the difference? Why should one have a problem with “the sacrificial laws”? Are they not law God had given His People?

I think it is DT saying, “The 10 Commandments are the ones written in stone and given to Moses before the “Torah” laws were brought to the people”.

But 'the sacrificial laws' came long before the Torah or, Ten Commandments. Genesis 3:21, 45; and before them again, the 'moral law', Gn2:9, 24.

God's Law is God; whenever He Speaks; whatever He speaks! And God never speaks, but He speaks through or by the Son.

About SDA, “I mostly just looked at the 10 commandments that Jesus Christ wrote out Himself on Mt Sinai.”

I mostly just look at the Law of God Jesus Christ nailed to the cross Himself on Mt Olivet. Then by faith: See Him rise glorified magnificent! “I AM” (Yahweh), “The Beginning of the Creation of God” (Rv3:14) “And being made perfect He became the Author of eternal salvation ... being called of God an High Priest ... according to the Law of indestructible Life!”

[Here we find the Son of God, 'perfected'; it does not imply He ever was not perfect. Why, when of the (written) Law I say that it was 'not perfect' should it imply it was less than 'holy', 'good' and 'perfect' in the sense that Paul meant it?]

It is the only confirmation I have of God's determinating “The Seventh Day the Sabbath of the LORD your God”.


About JD, “The way I understand this according to Heb. 3&4 is; “today” is the sabbath day of rest in Gods salvation for those who hear Him. So whatever day you find yourself hearing God, this is the sabbath, hopefully this is every day. So Saturday and Sunday are no more holy than any other day.”

That's all and just JD saying! hoping in vain to find one wee bit of Scripture for saying, “hearing God, this is the sabbath”?? No, God's Sabbath day is not 'hopefully' anything, because “The Seventh Day the Sabbath of the Lord your God” is written, not only with the Finger (or Spirit) of God, but with Word of Life: “God the Seventh Day rested” --- the 'Rest' of Life His “Own Rest as God”, and of life-giving Rest, “The Exceeding Greatness of His Power which He worked, raising Christ from the dead and exalting Him to the Right hand (of God)”


About JD, “As to the law being imperfect, the only way it is imperfect is that it cannot save us, not because it is imperfect but because we cannot keep it. That is why Jesus came, kept the law and died so we, and all those before Him, can be made perfect in Him through faith and forgiveness. So the problem is not the law, the problem is us.”

This now is sound doctrine! But in what stark contrast with just your above statements! There's nothing 'wrong' or vague or uncertain about the Fourth Commandment either! Why should there always be fault to find with the Sabbath Commandment that is the most direct and clearest defined of the TEN, Commandments? It simply is inconsistent to take all the Law of God for perfect except the Sabbath-Commandment.


“To make a stab at the Question, what was the law before the ten commandments: They were contained in the law of faith in God, from Adam untill today, faith in God has always superseded and encompassed the ten commandments.”

In one stab at the question, what was the law before the ten commandments?: They were contained in the Law-Word of God -- John 1:1-5 Who has always superseded and encompassed ALL written word of God -- the Scriptures; “Who alone has immortality” and Whose Perfection in every regard always has far exceeded that of 'known' or 'revealed Law'; Who, in fact, Himself, IS the ONLY Known and 'Reavealed Law' of God in Person. “That God may give you THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM AND REVELATION THAT YE MAY KNOW WHAT IS ...”, Eph.1:17f.


If after all I could not pose this challenge to myself and everybody else, Ephesians 1 especially verse 17 to the end, verse 23, IS A SABBATH DAY'S-SCRIPTURE, I have wasted the greater part of my life on vanity and sinful aspiring.


Paul somewhere says that if there can be found a law that can make perfect, a law that can give life will have been found ---- or words to the effect.

Now I say, there is such a 'Law' found “Whereby if a man do, he SHALL live”: Jesus Christ.




Gerhard Ebersöhn wrote:

---- or words to the effect.

(As all cults become started by such.)

Now what 'cult' are you insinuating may I start? A Reformed, Calvinist, Protestant, Christian, Sabbath-believing, 'cult'? Then Calvin - had he not been so indecisive about the Sabbath - must have been its beginner, not me!







“SS can't seem to understand that Jesus was addressing Jews in his conversations, especially when it came to legalism and matters of the Jewish law.

Gentile converts were never told to obey the law in terms of Jewishness. That includes Sabbath keeping”

Here's another Pete speaking for Pete, claiming he speaks for the Scriptures or even for God.

Here again is the true legalist making it an absolute prerequisite some law MUST be given unless any Law of God be valid.

Here again is the blind who WILL not read “The Sabbath OF THE LORD GOD” and not, the sabbath of the Jews or of 'Jewishness';
Who WILL not understand God GAVE His Sabbath Day - not gave it AWAY -
Who will not TAKE, “the Sabbath to be a sign that I-AM-GOD” -- or God is not God were the Sabbath not sign of it.
That is Scripture, friend, about GOD --- not about the People of God.


“SS can't seem to understand that Jesus was addressing Jews in his conversations, especially when it came to legalism and matters of the Jewish law.”

And Pete can't seem to understand that Jesus when addressing Jews, addressed ALL mankind who in every respect are of the same weak and beggarly constitution since “ALL have sinned in the one” forebear, Adam; and that he can't seem to understand especially when it comes to legalism and matters of knowing better than God.

'Legalism' is nothing than knowing better than God; it has got nothing to do with willing to love and follow after God --- which desires after all, were put there inside a man, by God or was never put there inside him.




The Sabbath is Jewish. It is part of the “oracles of God” committed onto them, the “law and the prophets” (Old Testament), the oral tradition, and the temple.


Tell can the 7th day be 'jewish', when it was created some 2300+ years...before the first Jew (Israelite) ever appeared ?
Also...if the 7th day sabbath was Jewish....then God, the creator of EVERYTHING, is also Jewish.


Romans 3:1; “What advantage then hath the Jew? Or what profit is there in circumcision?
2; Much in every way: chiefly, because unto them were committed the oracles of God.”

Romans 2:29; “But he is a Jew which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.”

Galatians 4:10; “Ye observe days months and times, and years. V.11; I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain.” This verse applies to Gentile holidays, as well as Jewish holy days.

Galatians 3:19; “ Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed (Jesus, John 1:17)) should come to whom the promise was made;”

Galatians 3:13; “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law,”



The Sabbath is Jewish. It is part of the “oracles of God” committed onto them, the “law and the prophets” (Old Testament), the oral tradition, and the temple.

Romans 3:1; “What advantage then hath the Jew? Or what profit is there in circumcision?
2; Much in every way: chiefly, because unto them were committed the oracles of God.”

Romans 2:29; “But he is a Jew which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.”

Galatians 4:10; “Ye observe days months and times, and years. V.11; I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain.” This verse applies to Gentile holidays, as well as Jewish holy days.

Galatians 3:19; “ Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed (Jesus, John 1:17)) should come to whom the promise was made;”

Galatians 3:13; “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law,”

1 Timothy1:5-7; “Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and faith unfeigned: 6 From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; 7 Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.”

The law creates lawyers, God's Spirit creates saints.


“Galatians 4:10; “Ye observe days months and times, and years. V.11; I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain.” This verse applies to Gentile holidays, as well as Jewish holy days.”

I'm glad you have noticed “this verse applies to Gentile holidays”. It is very unfortunate you cannot discriminate what belongs to God never can be heathen, 'gentile' and pagan, like Sunday and its sacredness to the Church! “MY Sabbaths”, is God's Word, not of men, ever! Besides, the context CLEARLY excludes everything not 'gentile'. (Read book 4/3, of 'The Lord's Day in the Covenant of Grace', find it here:

“Galatians 3:19; “ Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed (Jesus, John 1:17)) should come to whom the promise was made;”

How true! Now Jesus Christ has taken over the role of the Law and has actually taken in its place! What Divine Confirmation of God's Law!

Galatians 3:13; “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law,”

Thank God, Now we are saved and have eternal life - the life of service and submission to the Living Law-Word of God, Jesus Christ. May we never dishonour Christ; may we always honour His Commandments!

because ...
1 Timothy1:5-7; “Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and faith unfeigned: 6 From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; 7 Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.” Or do we disobediently swerve and turn aside from God's Law unto vain jangling? Do we desire to be teachers of the law rather than doers of it? We neither seem to understand the Law of God or what it says or affirms, and just do as we like ourselves, never giving it a thought what is the thought of God?

The law creates legalists, God's Spirit creates Christians.



What makes the great difference, and exalts the Sabbath to higher honour it had had before, is the Lord of the Sabbath Day who on it, in it, yea even by it, rose from the dead. This is where I place the beginnings of the Sabbath of the LORD your God --- where the Lord obtained Lordship indeed, even through having become Lord by Victory over death, sin and the powers of darkness, turmoil and nothingness -- from which even drew and received both the creation-Sabbath and the Sabbath of the Exodus their being, essence, content and meaning. In Christ's resurrection “BY THE EXCEEDING GREATNESS OF GOD'S POWER”, becomes visible all the works of God by which He “finished”, “blessed”, “sanctified”, “rested” and “revived” : IN LORDSHIP.

“God thus concerning the Seventh Day spake”. God NEVER thus concerning the First Day spake!

If ever there had been a Christian thing not 'Jewish' but 'Christian', it was “the-Seventh-Day-Sabbath-of-the-LORD-your-God” of God's speaking through Jesus Christ in resurrection from the dead of Him.



Law keeping

Acts 21:20 “Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law: 21 And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither walk after the customs.”
V.25 “As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing, save only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled and from fornication.”

Galatians 2:16; “Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.”

V.20; “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me, and gave himself for me.” 21: I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness came by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.”

Chapter 3:2; “This only would I learn from you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? 3: Are ye so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?”

V.11: “But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for the just shall live by faith:”

V.13: “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us:”

V. 19: “Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.”

Chapter 5:4; Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.”

Paul understood law keeping better than anyone. He was a Pharisee of Pharisees. Nowhere did he instruct gentile Christians to observe any day as a Sabbath.


The sabbath is the permanent rest that the saints have. They join God in his eternal rest. God's work of creation was not the actual work of creation. Such a thing is nothing at all to an infinitely powerful deity. No, the work of creation was made possible because of love sufficient to die for the creation, love that would take Jesus to the cross, to justify sinners. The creation story of Genesis is really prophecy of the moment that Jesus cried “It is finished!” The 'sixth day' then came to a close, and God entered his eternal rest.

So the saints rest from the work of attempting the impossible, fulfilling the law, that law now being natural law, there being no-one alive now who has lived under Mosaic Law. That continuous, indeed eternal sabbath is the rest provided by God in Christ, who fulfilled the law (and the Law), and is given by faith.

There was, in Mosaic Law, a foreshadowing of the permanent, real sabbath, as there was for many other aspects of Jesus' characteristics and provisions. This was a periodic sabbath of literal rest, given in the desert, along with manna. It had the effect of giving the Israelites time to contemplate, particularly the desert experience, as well as their patriarchs and their experiences of God. Here in this sabbath command was hope, promise of release from the impossibility of fulfilling the moral law that had pertained before Sinai, release to be provided by the promised Messiah.




How do you expect someone who at least tries to be honest to do this? First he will have to be honestly persuaded “the sabbath and the lords day” are different days!

Sunday ... there's nothing in this world or above the Church worships like it.

Let as for the sake of argument assume Jesus did break the Sabbath Law, would that disannul the Sabbath or its commandment?

You talk so easy of 'natural law' 'still stands', but what is it to kill? If God command you to kill, does God 'break' his own Law? he does! If God commands the prophet to marry a *One Who Practices the World's Oldest Profession*, does He 'stand by looking at his' servant break the Law? Does God participate in breaking his own Law? He does! Now does that annull the Law of God or make of God a sinner? Blasphemous thought!

So just the same about the thought Jesus 'broke' the law. He never did anything of the sort, and your idea He did, is as blasphemous --- which thing is SIN if you want to know what sin is!

Jesus fulfilled the Sabbath Law like He fulfilled all the Law of God -- He “MAGNIFIED” the Law of God -- every little part of it. HOW? By HIMSELF BECOMING THE LAW OF GOD.

It's only then we mortal sinners can conclude, Yes, Look at Christ breaking the Law - see Him offering up Himself, and making Himself for our sakes, sin. Then see, HOW he breaks the Law and destroys it: See Him crucified the LAMB - according to the LAW OF GOD - crucified. HERE, is the Law broken in the utter sense of destruction and abrogation and annulment --- by Divine Omnipotence.

Then see where 'magnified' -- this very LAW OF GOD --- the same, the only, the all else exclusive LAW OF GOD - no mere 'natural law remaining' - but the LAW OF GOD EXALTED, MAGNIFIED, PERFECTED, ETERNALISED, FINALISED: in fact, instituted originally, 'commanded' as for the first time EVER ::: Christ in resurrection from the dead.

Now you mortal sinners, where is your derision, insult and taunting of the Holy Law of God, NOW??

NOW, since the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, He is the Law of God --- which he previously for eternity HAD BEEN.

But all of a sudden it's no longer the Seventh Day by Christ Jesus given and created, but another, of sinners' wilful self-love?

Tell me another one!


“Is there any evidence that Noah observed the sabbath day? And “

What would any believer need prove of it for?

But look how throughout the history covered in the Bible, God providentially as it were RESERVED his Sabbath Day for the day of salvation!

Even the creation-Sabbath arrives on the scene of createdness like a gift of God's grace and love, through and after His creating against all powers of nothingness, chaos, darkness and unrest. The all-peace scenareo of the first Sabbath pictured by the sabbatharians is far from reality. They see it such an 'innocent' thing, they cannot grasp the fact the Sabbath was Adam's first day outside of Eden -- Adam and Eve's first day as sinners. So the sabbatharians cannot stomach the thought that already on the first Sabbath Day, God slaughtered life to provide for sin - indeed, on the Seventh Day Sabbath directly after He created -- for the redemption of sinners.

And so did it go on. The Sabbath was re-discovered to serve God's People when He brought them out from Egypt.

Then to redeem His People from the idolatrous rule of Athaliah; then to return them from the exile; then at last, for the salvation unto eternal life through Jesus Christ Himself; then again on the new Earth.

Therefore forgetfulness of God's Sabbath Day in itself is the Herald of the Day of God's salvation. “Lift up your heads, for the day is near”.

Here is sure sign of the end-times and day of redemption, the day of Jesus' 'second coming': That the Sabbath of the LORD your God is forgotten, despised and rejected and trampled upon.





“The sabbath is the permanent rest that the saints have.”

So? Hi hi! Have never read about that! Would like to _read_ it? You got secret copies of the Scriptures? Or perhaps secret powers of exposition?

“The righteous _studieth_ to answer.” Pr15:28.

PLAIN Scriptures for me, thanks!


“The sabbath is the permanent rest that the saints have. They join God in his eternal rest.”

Now that, might make a litlle bit more sense, if one knew not your real intentions!

The Sabbath permanently, is a 'rest' by 'keeping' or 'obeying', that the saints are obliged to God, to DO, WHEN they join together in COMMANDED, that is in “HOLY” assembling, on God's own appointed Day for doing so, and through Congregational worship, 'join with God' in his eternal rest attained and provided for the saints through and in, Jesus Christ.


“God's work of creation was not the actual work of creation.”

Here's another of those little precious pieces of rst-wisdom. Now me thought, who has done “the actual work of creation”?

“O LORD, truly I am Thy servant : Thou has loosed my bonds.” Ps115:16-17 Fruit of this 'bondage' that is a 'loosening' of all bondage: “I will offer to Thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the Name of the LORD; I will pay my vows unto the LORD NOW (in this life) in the presence of all His People (the Church congregating in Sabbaths' worship) in the courts of the LORD'S House (The Sabbathly Assembly of Saints) in the midst of thee, o (spiritual) Jerusalem. Praise ye the LORD” for He has brought us into His Own Rest through Jesus Christ.

That, is 'keeping of the Sabbath Day'.

That has gone rotten bad in Christian worship by a day of men's wilfulness.



“No, the work of creation was made possible because of love sufficient to die for the creation, love that would take Jesus to the cross, to justify sinners. The creation story of Genesis is really prophecy of the moment that Jesus cried “It is finished!” The 'sixth day' then came to a close, and God entered his eternal rest.”

Here rst has hit gold - the gold of truth and no fool's gold!

But read carefully through the creation-account, and you will notice that after the creation of Adam and Eve on the sixth day, the evening had come, and the Seventh Day had started, when God came to visit them, and called after them, and provided sacrifice for clothing their nakedness. Their glory was short, says the Scriptures. God 'created' - through love, 'created' the Seventh Day for the salvation of sinners. On that very night man was driven out of the Garden of God's Enjoyment, and would not return until God would have provided the WAY, back, Jesus Christ. And that WAY, Christ entered upon into His Own Rest “On the Sabbath's Day's fulness”, Mt28:1.

The creation story of Genesis is really prophecy of the moment that Jesus was raised from the dead. Thereby, came to a close and finishing to “ALL the works of God”, and God entered into his eternal rest, on the, through His love created Sabbath Day, the ONLY day “God Thus concerning (prophetically) spake”, ever, the “Seventh Day”. [/b]


“So the saints rest from the work of attempting the impossible, fulfilling the law,”

Have you ever seen a godly 'saint' that would do that? Rather such person would try his utter best to fufill or obey the Law of his Lord. And such 'saint' shall always be the first to acknowledge his coming short in his efforts, and point you to the redeeming truth, his Saviour vicariously, fulfilled all the Law of God in his place, thus confirming for ever the sanctity, goodness and holiness of all the Law of God. Let there be no misjudgment here!.


But in all fairness to the Law of God, dear rst, would you have said these horrible things of God's Law if the words, “Seventh Day” were not contained therein?


“that law now being natural law,”

'Natural law' --- we no longer live in the age of enlightenment - the 'enlightenment' of that age long since having been shown to have been utter blindness. Nowadays, 'natural law' means things like 'Newton's laws'.
Or, .natural law' should mean the law of man's, o, so vastly improved 'nature', he has in his own eyes reached perfection and has no need of God or his revelation any more.

But I admit that if you take 'natural law' as your standard and measure for redemption, I am in no position to argue with you, and everything you say, must irreprovably be correct. But it's a stranger to my understanding and feeling, I'm afraid. So all left I possibly could do, is to confess that I believe in God and His Word through Jesus Christ, His Holy, His only, and His eternal, Law.

I am able to do discussion only for as long as the only standard and test of beliefs are the Scriptures.




The bottom line falls in line with what Romans 6:16 says........
6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness ?

QUESTION: Where is any command found in the Bible, to obey the observance of Sunday, in honor of Christ's resurrection ?

Notice, I didn't ask that about the 7th day sabbath ?




For sure yes, Silversurfer, but WHERE does the bottom line really fall in what Romans 6:16 says........
6:16 “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness”?

Let me fill in: “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death WHILE THE STRENGTH OF SIN IS THE LAW, or of obedience unto righteousness WHILE RIGHTEOUSNESS IS THE RIGHTEOUS ONE, JESUS CHRIST”?

In other words: Is our allegiance to the impersonal, cold, dead and killing letter-'Law' --- do we 'Sabbatise' like the Jews who ALSO 'obey' the Law, as Ignatius says, “not according to Christ”;


Is our allegiance to the Person, who so loved, He gave Himself for the blotting out of our sins and death, and rose from the dead again unto our justification and life? Do we 'Sabbatise', as Ignatius also says, “for the Lord's LIFE”, or because He rose from the dead?

What in itself, is our motivation for our keeping of God's Sabbath Day?

That's where the difference - the 'change' to the Law of God - came in! Christ changed that, from the Law of the Fourth Commandment, to the Law of His Resurrection.

Christians realised this from long ago, but were ashamed to be like the Jews because they kept the Sabbath. So they stole this underlying and basic truth from God's Sabbath Day, and attributed it to the Sun's Day, so hypocritical they became. They were too ashamed to renounce the Christian Faith altogether, so they 'christianised' or 'baptised', the pagan day of the sun's glory and worship.

To this very day Christians will defend their error as hung their salvation on it; they will cut and mutilate the Word of God, the Scriptures, for their saving face in the eyes of the world.

This is the 'bottom line'. True allegiance; and the true Christian's should not be to the Law the Jews still worship, but to Christ whom the Christians worship.





“promise of release from the impossibility of fulfilling the moral law “

Do you realise what you say? 'release from the impossibility...' That means, if I at all can read, making it possible to fulfil or obey the moral law?

Just an example, dear rst, of how you loose track of your own thoughts, it seems. And all this trouble, just because of those two noisome words, 'Seventh Day'. tch tch.


I say, in defiance of giants of the Faith like John Calvin, take from the Fourth Commandment the two words, “Seventh Day”, and you have cut from it all 'moral law', morality and 'spirituality', and have made of it a carnal law of man's stubbornness, arrogance, wilfulness and self-pleasing and self-glorification.


Phil 3:17
2 Thess 3:9
1 Tim 4:12

These are just a couple of scriptures which quote we are to follow the example the disciples left for us. Their example through Acts was explicit especially in 5:42 (just one of many scriptures) “And DAILY in the temple and in every house they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ” and scriptures are clear in that we are to follow this example. We do know they did gather on the 'sabbath' but the point needs to be made they also gathered on the other days also, even Sunday. So worshipping on Sunday and everyday is following the example left for us.



This is true, except that there was no day named 'Sunday'. Jews would have been horrified at the thought of naming a day after the sun, or planets, which were associated with pagan gods. They had no names for days, they simply gave days numbers, like 'the first day of the week', 'the second day of the week'. One never hears of a call for a return to this pure, and desirable Jewish practice.

There was no command to meet on Mosaic sabbaths, anyway, and sabbath-supporters are stretching the truth somewhat in this matter. The sabbath (rest) was primarily for staying at home and resting, though later, specific meetings were arranged on sabbaths.

A week was not necessarily of seven days for members of the early church. The Roman Empire (other than Judaea) had an eight day week at that time, and non-Jewish Christians in, say, Rome or Ephesus would have had difficulty in keeping a seventh day rest, without travelling or lighting a fire. There must be few advocates of seventh day sabbaths today who keep them themselves. There is no reason at all for any nation today to organise its schedules into seven day cycles.


Didn't the Jews adopt Babylonian names for the months of the year after they went into captivity?


I believe this is true, ther Jews adopted many things from other cultures. As for as what biblical can be proven, the bible speaks of Hellinistic Jews. Were these not Jews who adopted Greek culture into their own lives? Even in the OT the Jews were shown to have adopted rituals from others cultures.




'Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.' Ac 2:43-47 NIV

The Holy Spirit, filling the first disciples, stimulated desire for constant association and the fellowship that is enjoyed by those so filled. While they obviously had employment to occupy much of their time, they still succeeded in meeting every day, to pray, to read Scripture, to break bread. This contrasts with the practices of many who lay claim to Christian faith now. Many meet just once in seven days, and then briefly, and in a highly formalised way in which there is little if any fellowship, where every word spoken by the majority is recited from a written source. One can reasonably suppose that the practitioners of this format, particularly its organizers, do not have the Holy Spirit, and probably have no intention of permitting Him into their meetings.



I'm missing the point of your post in response to my comment about Jewish use of Babylonian names for the months of the year. If they were “horrified” at the thought of using pagan names for the days of the week would they not also have been “horrified” at the thought of using pagan names of the months?



'They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.' Ac 2:42 NIV



I agree with what you're saying. It seems to run counter to the idea that the Jews would have been “horrified” at adopting (at least some) pagan nomenclature. (Why would they be “horrified” at the thought of calling a day by a pagan name when they called the months by pagan names?) This is what I was hoping rst would address.  



Phil 3:17
2 Thess 3:9
1 Tim 4:12

These are just a couple of scriptures which quote we are to follow the example the disciples left for us. Their example through Acts was explicit especially in 5:42 (just one of many scriptures) “And DAILY in the temple and in every house they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ” and scriptures are clear in that we are to follow this example. We do know they did gather on the 'sabbath' but the point needs to be made they also gathered on the other days also, even Sunday. So worshipping on Sunday and everyday is following the example left for us.


2 Thess 3:9,

In 2 Thessalonians, believers are told to work for their living. “We hear that there are some who walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. Them we command that in quietness they work, and eat their own bread. ... And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him.”

I suppose they were busybodies in the temple and Synagogues, pretending they taught and preached Christ ‘DAILY’. They could have fooled men; but not God! Their ‘daily’ worship, the Apostle deemed ‘disoderliness’, and no following the “ensample unto you to follow us”. (9)

Paul says, these fellows should not think they could go to the Christian assemblies to find food and clothing there, like you make it look. No, Paul says they must “eat their own bread” in their own houses. And in another place, Paul says if a confessor doesn’t provide for his own household, he is worse than a gentile.

So, either you have the cat by the tail with regard to Christian ‘daily worship’, or you very well are aware you stand judged guilty concerning the Sabbath Commandment to you, if you are of the true “People of God” for whom “a keeping of the Sabbath Day remains valid”.



Phil 3:17, 2 Thess 3:9, 1 Tim 4:12, These are just a couple of scriptures which we are to follow the example the disciples left for us. ....
through Acts .... explicit especially in 5:42 (just one of many scriptures) “And DAILY in the temple and in every house they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ” and scriptures are clear in that we are to follow this example”.

1Timothy 4:12,
“Be thou an example of the believers , in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity, till I come.”

This, you say, was as the example of the apostles “through Acts .... explicit especially in 5:42 (just one of many scriptures) “And DAILY in the temple and in every house they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ” and scriptures are clear in that we are to follow this example”. You chose 5:42 (which you misinterpreted) but especially, chose to choose not, the ‘many scriptures’ in Acts, like, 13:42, 16:13, 18:4, where many Seventh Day Sabbath’s and many times of their observance by the apostles and other, especially heathen believers, are mentioned as exemplary apostolic precedents for generations of believers to follow after.

The Word of God is sharper than any two edged sword.

But, observe you, how that the apostle Paul in the words of this verse, employs practical, liturgical, Congregational, activities of Communal worship in an age long after the beginning of the Church on Pentecost, as “an example of (1) the believers , (2) in word, (3) in conversation, (4) in charity, (5) in spirit, (6) in faith, (7) in purity”— things the very fibre of Christian Congregational worship while it no longer in the least was possible or desirable “daily” or “in the temple” or “in every house” or without “cease”, “to teach and preach Jesus Christ”, but in which time in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ the exact same practices and faith were maintained in Congregational worship, so that it is impossible to imagine any of it or just part of it being maintained in the Church without the Church practicing its fundamental and essential beliefs and life, on one certain explicit chosen as well as mentioned day of its life, which only could have been the Seventh Day Sabbath.

Now whether you might say, no, these things were those the Church practiced on Sundays, it still would be your admitting the Church no longer at all – if it ever did – congregationally, “daily” worshiped, but weekly only worshiped.

This illustrates what I times without counting have stressed, that the Sabbath is constantly the axiomatic presupposed of Christian Church life, throughout the New Testament, so that it in fact is surprising we do find direct mention of it in its pages. And so that, even if nowhere mention had been made of the Sabbath, it’s keeping by the Church would still have been the most obvious and natural thing to imagine and without any doubt to accept.

And this presupposition underlies Paul’s every reference in this epistles of his to Timothy, in 1:3 to 11 for example, where what Paul is saying, may be summarised in his own words: “We know that the Law is good, if a man use it lawfully .... according to the Gospel of our blessed God which was committed to my trust.”

Never ever accuse Paul of having broken that trust in any respect! “Knowing this, that the Law is .... for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for the sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers, .... for whoremongers ....”, and, - we may add because it is contained in the Law – for Sabbath breakers and Sabbath despisers. The Law is for any such, as a judgment, for no one is saved by the Law, but everyone is condemned by the Law so that no one can boast, but in Christ in Whom he has been shown saving grace through faith and purity and abstention from – as an example – breaking of the Sabbath-law.


Nowhere in Scripture were Gentile Christians instructed to observe the seventh day Sabbath, by Paul, or anyone else in authority.

Nowhere in Scripture were Gentile Christians instructed to replace seventh day observance with Sunday observance (now called Lord's Day), by Paul, or anyone else in authority.

Gentile converts under Paul observed neither as a special weekly day of rest and obligation.


So Pete is a legalist; a legalist is one who insists there must be a spelled out loud Law against or for something before it is obligatory; before one's observance becomes obedience.

The Law is there --- still and for ever --- _against_ Sabbath-breakers. The obedient, the believers, the Christians, do not need the Law for obeying the Voice of God, which is the Son through Whom God in these last days spake ....TO US”!


“Gentile converts under Paul observed neither as a special weekly day of rest and obligation.”

Not both, yes!
But certainly, the (Seventh Day ) Sabbath! In fact, it is impossible to prove they missed a single Sabbath Day, Sabbath-keeping being the absolute presupposed of all Christian worship all through the NT.


“Nowhere in Scripture were Gentile Christians instructed to observe the seventh day Sabbath, by Paul, or anyone else in authority.”

It all depends on how you define 'instructed'. Did Jesus 'instruct' --- as though written legal 'law' --- any of his disciples to follow Him? No! The 'Law' of Christ is Christ Himself, and the power of the Gospel to persuade and convince --- and, _let obey_!

In the same manner - who can deny - is the Christian 'lured' as it were by the mercies of our loving Lord, to worship Him on the Sabbath Day as His Church. It needs no written code, although that Code in fact is written in the form and scope of all the Old Testament and New Testament - which both without any contradiction is the Word of the Will of God to all believers of all times.



I say, _both_ OT and NT is the Word of the Will of God to all believers of all times:- The Old in the New; and the New in the Old. This is the Word of God - His 'Law' - that cannot be broken! This is the Word of God wherein you will find the Sabbath and its keeping without distinction or difference in both Old and New Testaments. Therefore it is only the (Seventh Day) Sabbath obligatory for Believers, whether of Old Testament times or of New Testament times.

The Gospels reveal these truths and principles with more emphasis on the Seventh Day Sabbath than anywhere else in all of Scriptures! The Gospels also are the latest and most condensed and pithy statements of Christian Faith. They show; they prove; they improve; and they demand, a following after Christ wherein and whereof the Sabbath and its observance tower over all other demands and commandments to Believers as the Body of Christ's Own, the Church.