The ‘Worship’ and ‘Divination’

of the ‘Elements’, of the ‘No-Gods’

of Galatians 4:8-10


Wisdom 7:17,  A Judaistic Eulogy of the God Wisdom 


&En ga<r||| ceiri< aujtou kai< hJmei~v kai< oiJ lo>goi hJmw~n,

For in the hand of divinity both we and our mind are;


pa~sa< te fro>nhsiv kai< ejrgateiw~n ejpisth>mh,

all wisdom also and experience / maturity of science;


aujto<s ga<r moi ej>dwke tw~n oj>ntwn gnw~sin ojyeudh~, eijde>nai?

for he gave me conclusive / correlative knowledge of the things that are, being between: 


su>stasin ko>smou kai< ejne>rgeian stoicei>wn?

the founding / sustaining of the world and the ruling / control of the principles / rulers / gods:


ajrch<n kai< te>lov kai< meso>thta cro>nwn,

the first, last and middle (basic components) of times (days, nights, months);


tropw~n ajllaga<v kai< metabola<v kairw~n,

the alternating of the tropics and change of seasons;


ejniautw~n ku>klous kai< ajste>rwn qe>seiv,

the circuits of years and stellar positioning;


fu>seiv zw>wn kai< qumou<v qhri>wn,

the nature of living things and the furies of the Centaurus (constellations);


pneuma>twn bi>av kai dialogismou<v anqrw>pwn,

the force of  the winds (four directions) and the mentality of people;


diaforo<v futw~n kai duna>meiv rJizw~n?

the potencies of plants and the powers of roots –


oJ>sa te ejsti krupta< kai ejmfanh~ ej>gnwn.

all such things as are either secret or manifest, I know!


The ‘Worship’ and ‘Divination’

of the ‘Elements’, of the ‘No-Gods’

of Galatians 4:8-10


Wisdom 7:17,  A Judaistic Eulogy of the God Wisdom 


En gar cheiri autou kai hehmeis kai hoi logoi hehmohn,

For in his hand both we and our mind are;


pasa te fronehsis kai ergateiohn epistehmeh;

all wisdom also and experience / maturity of science;


autos gar moi edohke tohn ontohn gnohsin epseudeh, eidenai:

for he gave me conclusive / correlative knowledge of the things that are, being between: 


sustasin kosmou kai energeian stoicheiohn:

the founding / sustaining of the world and the ruling / control of the principles / rulers / gods:


archehn kai telos kai mesotehta chronohn;

(the correlation between) the first, last and middle (basic components) of times (days, nights, months);


tropohn allagas kai metabolas kairohn;

(between) the alternating of the tropics and change of seasons;


eniautohn kyklous kai asterohn theseis;

(between) the circuits of years and stellar positioning;


fyseis zohohn kai thymous thehriohn;

(between) the nature of living things and the furies of the Centaurus (constellations);


pneumatohn bias kai dialogismous anthrohpon;

(between) the force of  the winds (four directions) and the mentality of people;


diaforos phytohn kai dynameis rhidzohn –

the potencies of plants and the powers of roots –


hosa te esti krypta kai emphaneh egnohn.

all such things as are either secret or manifest, I know!