Typical Sunday-Protagonist Rhetoric and Attitude


From BibleStudyForum.com


Find the initial statement by ‘John’, in full after comments.




John, had you not written, “Below is some information that I hope will increase your understanding of the Sabbath rest”, but would have written, ‘of the Christian’s rest’, I would scarcely have found reason to protest. For example, what could be truer than that “Jesus Christ came to complete a redemptive work (Jn. 4:34; 5:36) by restoring the rest that was forfeited in the Garden. In following the same pattern for the first creation, Jesus Christ began the work spoken of in Genesis 3:15 (c.f. Gen. 1:3). He completed the work on the cross (Jn. 17:4; 19:30; c.f. Gen. 1:5). The work was met with God’s satisfaction by the resurrection and ascension of Christ (Rom. 1:3-4; Gen. 1:4) leading again to divine rest (Heb. 10:11-12; c.f. Gen. 2:1-3).  


Please do not think that I would ever deny it.  I will not, I pray God, not ever.  


But, .... the Scriptural references and your associations between them, Saint John, do not make sense to me in the least.


Genesis 3:15” – “I shall put enmity .... thou shalt bruise his heel” – “c.f. Gen. 1:3”, “And God said, Let there be light, and there was light” .... relevance?  Jesus Christ began the work spoken of in Genesis 3:15”?  Is that it?   


Jn. 17:4; 19:30”, “I have glorified Thee on the earth: I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do .... He said, It is finished” – “c.f. Gen. 1:5”, “God called the light, day, and the darkness He called night; and the evening and the morning were the First Day” .... relevance? .... correlation?  He completed the work on the cross”? .... in “Gen. 1:5” ....?!


The work”, “Gen. 1:4”, “And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness”— “was met with God’s satisfaction by the resurrection and ascension of Christ .... Rom. 1:3-4”, “Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord which was .... declared the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of Holiness by the resurrection from the dead”?   


Do you worship light? do you worship the Sun? Sunday? Do you worship the created for the Creator?   


Heb. 10:11-12”, “Every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins: But this Man after He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever , sat down at the right hand of God”,  c.f. Gen. 2:1-3)”, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there be light: and there was light.   Relevance? Correlation?  ..... “.... leading again to divine rest”?


The priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink; they are swallowed up of wine; they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision; they stumble in judgment. (Conference) tables are full of vomit; (judgment halls) of filthiness; there is no spot, clean. Whom shall he teach knowledge? whom shall he make understand doctrine?  Todlers weaned from the milk? babies, drawn from the breasts?  For he argues precept upon precept; line upon line; line upon line; here a little (from the Scriptures), there a little (from the Scriptures): for with stammering lips (of the drunkard) and another tongue (of him sober) will he speak to this people.  Isaiah 28:7  Thou art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes .... Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself?” Ro2:20-21.


You cannot prevent truth... you can only for fear of it, try run away from it. 









You cannot prevent truth... you can only get fixated on externals in order to avoid the internals. This is what we call legalism.
Thank you, son, for your time.



That was your definition of what you, “call legalism”.  If I may have a turn to define ‘legalism’ I’ll use Jesus’ argument, that legalism is to throw God’s ‘externals’ – the commandments of God – overboard and replace them with one’s own ‘internals’, one’s own laws and works and own justification and righteousness – in other words, “legalism” is defined: hypocricy!   


It’s better to ‘get fixated on externals’ that at least are relevant, cohesive, and correct, than to ‘get fixated’ on ‘internals’ that are as wayward as one’s ‘externals’.




I point out your fixation, and you intensive that fixation.

Young man, I am a Jewish convert to Christianity. If I thought that there was any way to obtain salvific merit through the Law, don't you think I'd be the first to be jumping on the legalism bandwagon?



No; take care lest you fall off it.




The Sabbath was a command given specifically to Israel. 



You are absolutely right!

Specifically to the People of God; not to any unbelievers or the Godless. Not that God gave the Sabbath command to Israel because they were specifically good; but because they were specifically sinful, yet specifically the object of the love of God; because He had chosen them, not to receive from them something He needed from them; but because He simply needed to love them and be gracious unto them. That was why God gave the Sabbath even as a Divine Command, to the people of Israel.  What privileged people among the nations were they! “What advantage then hath the Jew .... Much, every way: chiefly because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.” Ro3:1-2.  They were “the People of God”. And JUST like in the New Testament, it was but for one single reason: That the LORD God had brought them out of the land of their slavery, and had given them .... “REST”!  Not, the Law!   Therefore then — IF JESUS HAD GIVEN THEM REST — there remains VALID for the People of God a keeping of the Sabbath Day — HE HAVING ENTERED INTO HIS OWN REST AS GOD” Hb4:9,8,10 ..... “THEREFORE” .... referring to the FACT, that “If Jesus had given them REST, God would not afterwards speak of another day of salvation.” 4:8.  It is the exact SAME in the Fourth Commandment, where it says, “The LORD RESTED the Seventh Day: WHEREFORE (because of his rest) the LORD blessed the Sabbath Day and hallowed it. .... Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy” Ex20:11a,8 — FOR NO OTHER REASON than God’s works of rest through Jesus Christ!  How is that?  Because God’s REST is God’s WORKS – his ULTIMATE WORKS through and in Jesus Christ, are God’s REST.  Eph1:19-22. 


It is exactly the same scenario in both the Old and the New Testaments. Even so the Gospel is called “the EVERLASTING Gospel” in Revelation 14:6, because it had begun since the creation of God. Yea, Christ is called that Everlasting Gospel in Revelation, where He is said to be “The BEGINNING of the creation of God”, 3:14.  Said you yourself, “In following the same pattern for the first creation, Jesus Christ began the work spoken of in Genesis ....”.  


Who overturned the apple cart? 




There is no biblical record whatsoever of anybody keeping the Sabbath prior to Exodus 16 (Neh. 9:13-14). 


Once again you are absolutely right, and I want to stress how strongly I endorse what you are saying here. What really happened where you have said, “In following the same pattern for the first creation, Jesus Christ began the work spoken of in Genesis 3....”, was that Jesus Christ began the work of redemption ON THE SABBATH DAY, the Seventh Day. Genesis 3 is a continuation of the history of the fall on the Sixth Day that Adam and Eve were created and no sooner than they were tempted, sinned, and never for one day had entered into the rest or the day that God had prepared for them. God visited them in the twilight of the Sabbath’s evening after sunset “in the cool of day” after the Sixth Day Gn3:8, and found them hiding from his Holy Presence because they knew they sinned. After that God had clad them in skins of their sin-offering which He had made FOR them, God sent them out of the Garden of Enjoyment .... until He would gather out his Chosen in the far, far future through this very same Saviour “spoken of in Genesis 3....” especially 21-23.


So, “There is no biblical record whatsoever of anybody keeping the Sabbath prior to Exodus 16 (Neh. 9:13-14)....prior to  ELECTION AND SALVATION! 




Even after they received the full-blown Sabbath command (Ex. 20:8-11), Israel who often condemned the sins of her pagan neighbors, never criticized their violation of the Sabbath.  



Yes. Again, yes!  So sinful were they, they scarcely noticed and never criticized their OWN violation of the Sabbath. But it did not go unnoticed by God who most often and most specifically, punished his people for breaking not THEIR, but “MY” – God’s – “Sabbaths”.  God took very personally, the transgression of his Sabbaths.


You may think what you like about the Sabbath, but if you are a Christian, this is the SAME, GOD, who still is your Sovereign.  I wonder what would make Him change his mind about “My Sabbaths” if it was “Jesus Christ” who “In following the same pattern for the first creation, began the work spoken of in Genesis 3....” to only in the New Testament, have “FINISHED” it— to only “on the Seventh Day” have finished it, to only when “THROUGH THE SON” and “God from all his works, RESTED” have finished it? Hb1:2, 4:4.  Was it much ado about nothing that “God thus concerning the Seventh Day spake”? Hb4:4. I do not think so. 


I wonder what would make God change his mind about “My Sabbaths”? What will be next? That he may change his mind about his elect .... about me ....?  God forbid! 


Yes, God never made great fuss about Israel’s “pagan neighbors’ violation of the Sabbath”; they were not worthy God’s concern. But God certainly was mindful of Israel’s ‘violation of the Sabbath’ because they specifically were “the People of God”. Hb4:9.   




The Sabbath was part of God’s ceremonial law and not grounded in His unchanging character.



After what we have spoken above, will you still say this?  Have you not seen how the Sabbath was grounded – yea, originated from – God’s Works through Jesus Christ towards the salvation of his Elect?  And does not Christ Himself confirm it when He says that “the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath”?  God of course in his Omnipotence and Omniscience KNEW BEFORE that man was going to fall away from Grace, and therefore PREPARED for it, and therefore created, “MADE”, the Sabbath Day FOR “his rest from his own works as God” Hb4:10.  IN Christ Jesus and THROUGH Christ Jesus— “In following the same pattern for the first creation”.

The Sabbath was .... not grounded in His unchanging character”, you say.  The Sabbath was not made “for” man’s works or merit, but for God in his gracious condescending “to us-ward”— “was made”, for God where He works “for man” — for God where He is “for man” in his NEED of God. 


What is the ‘character’ of the Sabbath then?  The Sabbath is not one’s rest from sin; our rest from sin is Christ.  The Sabbath is not the forgiveness of our sins;  the sacrifice Of Christ was the forgiveness of all sins.  The Sabbath is not our victory over sin; the resurrection of Christ is God’s – not our – victory over sin and death.  The Sabbath is not the Rest of God; the Rest of God, is ‘Christ for us’!   I do not say the Sabbath gives that rest of God’s Promises; or that it is, that rest; no, I say – I ask – is the Sabbath not “grounded in” GOD’S, UTMOST WORKS of redemption and salvation?  Would you say no? that it is not? Would you?  Then how could you say the Sabbath was not grounded in God’s unchanging character?  Does God have a changing side to his character in which the Sabbath “was grounded”? 


What you ARE saying – what you DID say – is, that “The Sabbath was part of God’s ceremonial law”.  Now even with that, I can and do, fully agree. The Sabbath is a day, a doing, of both man and God, or it is senseless to both man and God. The Sabbath is, truly, “ceremonial law”, or God never could have commanded Israel to keep it, or to celebrate or to sanctify it – which shall always be the work of man— ‘ceremonial’.  But does that make the Sabbath and its nature foreign and strange to the ‘unchanging character’ of God?  It on the contrary shows the Sabbath’s utter reliance on and being grounded in and establishment upon, the ‘unchanging character’ of God!  Because the Sabbath shows forth God’s Rest, which is Jesus Christ, who is “The Yea and Amen of the Promises of God”.  Never has God given man something as tangible and experiential and practical and real and “ceremonial  as Sabbaths’ Feast of Jesus Christ as sign of and indeed as medium to experience and taste of the “unchanging character” of God.  MY, Sabbaths”, “The Seventh Day Sabbath” tells “OF THE LORD GOD”, belongs to, “THE LORD YOUR, GOD”, and “THEREFORE”, says Jesus Christ, “the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath indeed”. But you say “The Sabbath was not grounded in His unchanging character”?  What an opportunity have you provided me to sing the praises of my God! 


You see, dear John, exactly this was what “the principalities and powers” of the world just couldn’t stomach, to see “the Body of Christ’s Own”, “feast Sabbaths’ Feast” of Christ, and wanted to spoil both The Body and its Sabbaths’ Feasting “through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”  The authorities and dominion even went so far as to “Issue indictment against us / subpoena us, write laws adverse to us”, but Christ “took it out of the way, he nailed it to the cross (so to speak). Having spoiled them, He made a spectacle of them – openly the laughingstock – having TRIUMPHED OVER THEM IN IT” – “IN IT”, in / by his resurrection from the dead Col2:12,13— “SABBATH’S” (as stated in Mt28:1). 


God originally “made the Sabbath” to the service of the Promised Redeemer and to the very end stuck to his Eternal Purpose with both.  Let no man beguile you of your reward— by no man who in arbitrary humility worships (evil) messengers (believes strange doctrines), who intrudes into things he does not discern or understand himself, things which nevertheless by his fleshly-mindedness he is vainly puffed up about.” Col2:18. Verse 18 is given as an encouraging and “comforting” 2:2 admonition to “The Body of Christ’s Own” 2:17b over their “Feasting of Sabbaths’ Feast” 16b, and is an emphatic repetition virtually, of verse 16a, “Let no one (of the world) therefore judge or condemn you over your eating or drinking, or over your eating and drinking of (any) Feast either of month’s or of Sabbaths’ (recurrence)”.


Therefore sure, “The Sabbath was part of God’s ceremonial law”, but as certainly was ‘grounded in His unchanging character. 




The Sabbath  .... Similar to the entire old covenant, it has been fulfilled and brought to completion in Christ (Mt. 5:17).  



Amen! “....fulfilled and brought to completion in Christ”, true and similar to the New Covenant indeed ... indeed in Genesis 3 already “in Christ”.  




If David had a right to make an exception in the ceremonial law, Jesus had more (Mt. 12:1-8; c.f 5:21-48).  



I cannot see what “exception in the ceremonial law” you are referring to. If one read the story in the OT one would see how David acted as type of Christ who to the last letter fulfilled the typology of “the ceremonial law”.  That is what people cannot discern: that “the Sabbath was made FOR” .... which means was created and reserved / “sanctified” and preserved / “blessed” Gn2:3, for the WORKS of God in the COMPLETION of ALL his works IN CHRIST and THROUGH CHRIST. Only then and only AFTER so “fulfilled and brought to completion in Christ”, could the Sabbath be of any service or worth “for man” or “for the People of God”— Hb4:8-10. NOT and NEVER BEFORE! First for the Last Adam BEFORE “for man”, “the first Adam”.


You said, dear John, “There is no biblical record whatsoever of anybody keeping the Sabbath prior to Exodus 16 (Neh. 9:13-14).” Allow me to add, There is no biblical record whatsoever of anybody keeping the Sabbath truly, prior to the Coming of the Son of Man; truly, prior to the Coming of the Son of Man FROM THE DEAD!  The only thing in the last analysis that gives Christian meaning to God’s Sabbath Day is the fact Jesus rose upon it, “in the mid-afternoon of the Sabbath’s fullness as it began to dawn towards the First Day of the week”. That was the Sabbath’s ONLY perfect fulfilment EVER. Not once before; not once ever after!  And therefore – in the very last analysis – there shall be nobody whosoever who shall have kept the Sabbath truly, prior to the Coming of the Son of Man on the clouds of heaven; prior to the resurrection FROM THE DEAD and the new earth inhabited by incorruptible redeemed who shall truly keep the Sabbath of the LORD their God, Jesus Christ, Lord of the Sabbath Day.   


Now imagine the First Day of the week thus on the New Earth observed and celebrated instead?  Where will the “biblical record” of such a ‘ceremony’ or economy come from? 



Even Jesus said," The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath" (Mk. 2:27). Moreover, He called Himself the "Lord of the Sabbath" (Lk. 6:5). 



May I regard this as an acknowledgement of the truth I have told you so far?  What better, what greater, what nobler declaration and proclamation could you desire or require for the lordly and CHRISTIAN status of “The Lord’s Day” “the Seventh Day Sabbath of the LORD your God” than what you have given here, yourself?  IS NOT CHRIST HIMSELF THAT LORD?  AND IS HE NOT THAT LORD BY TRIUMPH OF HIS RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD?   Which other day then could receive the indebtedness to Christ’s Lordship than the Sabbath He is Lord of and Lord over?  Which other day is so “grounded in the charater of God?  The First Day of the week? Since when? Since where? Since WHAT?  HERETOFORE My Father WORK and I, WORK!  Heretofore” was it, that God in Christ worked: ON THE SABBATH. But because you separate God’s Works (‘externals’) from God’s ‘character’ (‘internals’), the Sunday should get the honour and receive the dignity for God’s works’ sake?  By what rule? by what law? by what kind of right or righteousness or justice or justification?   How was Sunday ever “grounded in the charater of God?  To be “grounded in the charater of God” it should be “grounded” in the WORKS of God— which WORKS of God clearly, should be that of the Sabbath Day of his REST, AFTER the ‘externals’ of the creation.    




The Sabbath was the sign of the Old Covenant (Ex. 31:16-17; Neh. 9:14; Eze. 20:12).  



No fine; what was the Sunday ever a sign of?


What do you mean with ‘sign’?  Something like the Church says baptism is a sign?  My catechism taught me the sign of baptism is a seal to Covenant relationship. So do you mean ‘sign’ as a seal to or in Covenant relationship?  Covenant relationship to what or whom?  Covenant relationship to God and to God in Christ?  Was the Sabbath such a sign?  Then what do you have for the Sunday like it?  Nothing?  But still Sunday should be that ‘sign’ under the New Covenant?   I do not accept! 


O, but it was the ‘Old’ Covenant, you say.  Alright, “The Sabbath was the sign of the Old Covenant” then. ‘Covenant’ between whom? Between God and Israel, you say. So it’s between God, the Covenanter, and Israel, the People of God? You said, “The Sabbath was a command given specifically to Israel.” ‘Specifically’ because Israel was God’s specific People?  Of course!  So what can any man say against God and Israel’s ‘Old Covenant’? That it was between ONLY God and ONLY – exclusively – His People?  But that is Election; and what is wrong with God’s Election? Must we quote Romans 9 and 11? And 1Thes1:4 and 2Pt1:10 ....? 


Therefore, What WAS ‘wrong’ with God’s ‘Old Covenant’? Only that it was not FULFILLED YET!  So that the New Covenant, is the Old Covenant of God but ratified in Jesus Christ, that’s all!  God’s Eternal Purpose”; God’s “Everlasting Covenant”; “The Mystery which hath been HID from ages and generations, but NOW is made MANIFEST to his saints.” Col1:26.  


Or do you define ‘Old Covenant’ that it is “ceremonial”? Then you should define New Covenant that it is without ceremony or ceremonies. Then what is keeping Sunday but keeping a ceremony; or water-baptism; or the Lord’s Supper; or confirmation; or Congregation for that matter; or prayer, or praise? Ceremony, ceremony! And rightfully so!  Dead right for you if it is Sunday so kept; ‘externals’, ‘legalism’ if the Bible-Sabbath is so kept.  While the heart of the matter is not man’s works of the Sabbath, but God’s WORKS of the Sabbath for man’s benefit through the Son of Man! Mk2:27-28.


Or do you define ‘Old Covenant’ that it is bloody?  Is the Sabbath or the Seventh Day bloody? I don’t know you, but I say yes, bloodiest of all days: “For the LIFE is in the blood” of Jesus Christ, who offered Himself not only the Sacrifice for sin, but in the last instance for the Oblation of sins have offered and proffered Himself an Odour of LIFE and First Sheaf Waved Before the LORD, an Offering, once for all in having taken up his LIFE again. (Hb13:20) “I saw a Lamb stood (just) as it had been slain” Rv5:6 – Christ in his resurrection and NEW Covenant relationship with God’s People, the Resurrected Crucified; the Risen Sacrificed.


Therefore by all means, “The Sabbath was the sign of the Old Covenant (Ex. 31:16-17; Neh. 9:14; Eze. 20:12).   And in the same manner, is it sign of the New Covenant and New-Covenant relationship. “Therefore remains a keeping of the Sabbath Day for the People of God for He that is entered into his rest, He also hath ceased from his own works as God from his.” Where or how will you find a clearer or more Covenant connection than this between the Sabbath and its keeping by the People of God and the resurrection of Christ from the dead WHEREBY AND WHEREIN “He that is entered into His rest, also hath ceased from His own works as God from His”? 


God NEVER otherwise than this, “rested the Seventh Day” Hb4:4; because God never otherwise than through Jesus Christ, “rested the Seventh Day”; because God never than through Jesus Christ but by “the Power of His Resurrection”, “rested the Seventh Day”. 


The three main ingredients so to speak of Covenant Relationship, The Covenanter, the covenanted, and the sign of covenant-relationship: God in Christ through Resurrection from the dead, the People of God, and the Sabbath Day’s “reinstated validity” (‘apoleipetai sabbatismos’), “grounded in His unchanging character”,  grounded” in the Everlasting Covenant of Grace.




Because we are now under the New Covenant we are no longer under obligation to keep the Old Covenant, particularly the sign of the Old Covenant. The writer to the Hebrews remarked, "When He said, ‘A new covenant,’ He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear" (Heb. 8:13). 



In saying (I will make 8:10) a New Testament,

God has made the first (covenant) old;

and that which is made old and grows in age, is near vanishing. 


The first covenant” 9:1 (described at length in some detail in chapters 7 and 9),

A)  had a worldly / earthly sanctuary” which “was made with hands” 9:24; and which “decayed and waxed old and was near vanishing” 8:13b,  and

B)  a priesthood .... after the law of a carnal commandment” 7:16.


But  Christ was Most Perfect Tabernacle, the true” 9:11a

A)  which the Lord pitched, and not man” 8:2;

not made with hands”, “not of this building / creation” ‘heh ktisis’ 9:11c. 

B)  another Priest after the law of the power of an endless Life” 7:16; “Priest of the Most High God” 7:1.


The “tabernacle” or “building”, changed “of necessity / naturally” because the first “grew old”.


The priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a change also of the law” 7:12 concerning the “priesthood”.


The “laws” of ‘externals’ of “inevitability / neccesity”, ‘changed’— from the transitory to the Eternal; from the “carnal” to the Divine— Christ.


No “laws” of ‘internals’ or essentials or “first principles”, ‘changed’. “Saith the LORD; I will put MY Laws (which together in Christ IS Christ and in the OT together, WERE the Covenant) in their minds, and will write them (God’s Laws Christ our Law; in the OT: “My Covenant” 8:9c) in their hearts: And I (Yahweh, Jesus Christ) will be to them GOD; and THEY, to Me, shall be, ‘My People’!” 8:10. 


It says NOTHING of any “particularly sign of the Old Covenant”. The ‘sign’ (‘sehmeion’ Ez20:12) you are insinuating, was that “particular sign of the” Ownership of God and belonging of Israel, the Sabbath, of course. The Sabbath was that “particular sign of the” RELATIONSHIP between God as a Father and Israel as his children. And in that sense “The Sabbath was the sign (Ex. 31:16-17; Neh. 9:14; Eze. 20:12)”, of eternal Fatherhood and belonging; of God’s faithfulness and trustworthiness for eternity as Covenanter; and of Israel’s election for eternity as the covenanted. 


The Sabbath NEVER was a ‘sign’ of the “obsolete” and “disappeared”, “first tabernacle (or its) building” or its “dispensations” or its “ministrations”— NEVER!  So far as ‘covenant’ can be defined ‘relationship’, so far can it be said is the Sabbath a sign of the covenant – the everlastingly New, Covenant of Grace. But of that ‘tabernacle’ or ‘building’ or ‘creation’ that by now had “vanished” altogether, the Sabbath never has been the ‘sign’ of. 


That is how God made “obsolete” and let “disappear” “the first (Covenant) .... particularly .... the Old Covenant”, “BECAUSE THEY, continued not in My Covenant” 8:9. “He finds fault with THEM!” Hb8:8.  Everything else of God’s Covenant, “continued” JUST THE SAME, faultless. That’s why God’s New Covenant is simply God putting his Covenant and Covenant Laws (the same thing) in the hearts and minds of his Covenanted People – Spiritual Israel – and not merely engraves his Covenant or Law in tables of stone all over again.  And that is why there is not the SLIGHTEST difference between the New Covenant in or under the New Testament and that very same New Covenant covenanted or closed or made by God in or under the Old Testament or Old Testament dispensation— NOT THE SLIGHTEST! 


The fact the Ten Commandments were written – were “signed” – on tables of stone even “with the finger of God”, wasn’t meant to show its indestructibility and perpetuity; but its fragility and temporariness— so graphically illustrated by Moses with the first set of tables.  In or under the New Covenant God’s works are said to be done and his ‘laws’ written on our hearts and in the temple of our minds.  Not in a sanctuary made from the skins of blood-offerings, but in the Sanctuary “made without hands” where Eternal Waters of Life spring from the Most Holy and Throne in God’s Temple: “IN HIM”; “For His Name Is: Most Holy Place”. Is 57:15 LXX 


Have someone lost something? 

NOWHERE is it said God makes or will make or did make, the laws of the Old Covenant ‘obsolete’, or let ‘disappear’ the sign of Covenant relationship and fidelity, or changed Covenant partner!  NOWHERE!  And never shall or can it be alleged so falsely that God made the laws of the Old Covenant ‘obsolete’, and let ‘disappear’ the sign of Covenant relationship “particularly”, and changed Covenant partner!  God forbid!  On the contrary, never before did God so strictly demand as in Jesus Christ that the very laws of His ONLY COVENANT OF GRACE be fully obeyed and their disobedience be fully answered for, and its sign so particularly be prominent and held high and honoured to witness of faithfulness and unfaithfulness on the part of Covenanter and covenanted. Even in Christ the Temple of God’s Holiness our lives were claimed, and we were slain and our blood was shod to the letter of God’s so disparagingly called ‘ceremonial law’, “IN CHRIST”. So exactly and exacting that “CHRIST FOR US” suffered eternal hell and died eternal death, and was buried and held in prison until the last “pain of death” has claimed its toll and Christ resurrected Victor Triumphator from the dead: “LORD OF THE SABBATH”: “IN THE SABBATH’S FULLNESS OF DAYLIGHT MID-AFTERNOON BEFORE and as it began to dawn towards the First Day of the week”.  


That is the Gospel Truth about the Covenant of Grace the only and eternal Covenant of God Almighty and Merciful.










The New Testament nowhere commands Christians to observe the Sabbath.  



.... it would be quite surprising if it did, as it was written by Jews to Jews about a Jew. They were quite aware of the Tanach!! They memorized it!!



No, but why should it?  We are no longer serving under the age of the Law, are we?  No, “The New Testament nowhere commands Christians to observe the Sabbath” because Christians aren’t supposed to be legalists. They need not constantly insist, Law! Law!  Grace is enough for New Testament Christians; the Love of God, Jesus Christ, their Perfect Leader and Example. Who needs a Law but the dissatisfied with the Leader and Example, “Author and Finisher of the Faith”? 


But frankly, this is incorrect, that “The New Testament nowhere commands Christians to observe the Sabbath.


What about Hb4:8-10? “A keeping of the Sabbath remains / remains obligatory / mandatory / valid for the People of God” – for his New Testament People, Spiritual Israel? 


What about directly Sabbath-keeping implying texts like Colossians 2:12-19 and many others in the Acts of the Apostles?


I regard of greatest importance for the Church in the matter of Sabbath’s-belief and obligation the FACT the Gospels were written later in the early Christian era, so that they supply the picture of mature Christianity, with no shred of evidence of a Sabbathless Christianity or of a Sunday-worshipping Christianity. 


But not only the Gospels. The WHOLE New Testament testifies to a purely and exclusively Sabbath-observing Christian Community and Christian Communion. No single word or idea suggests another order during the first century within the Church of Christ than its Sabbath-orientated order, worship, faith and life.  While they undaunted celebrated Sabbath’s Feast 2:16, Paul commended the Colossian Christians for their renowned “order” 2:5.


And lastly – but which factor should actually be considered in the first place – the Unity and Correlation of New and Old Testaments MUST be accepted in its ‘God-given and therefore eschatologically imperative WHOLENESS’.  (Lohmeyer)  To treat the Old Testament wholly differently as though it contradicts the New Testament is an injustice done to both Testaments.  If we treat dutifully with the Scriptures we shall find no place or occasion for ‘Sunday’; while we inevitably will find witness to the Seventh Day Sabbath of the LORD your God overwhelming, in both Testaments.


Much of this indication to the Christian Seventh Day Sabbath and Lord’s Day is not at all known by most Christians; to say the truth, most of such knowledge and insight lie buried under the dust of two thousand years of ignorance and indoctrination.   




The church is warned of many sins in the New Testament, but breaking (or observing) the Sabbath is never mentioned. 



Ja, in fact! Is it not noteworthy!  But give credit where credit is due, the early ‘New Testament Church’, is found virtually blameless of any sins; of any apostasy; of any heresy. It is not for nothing given many titles, like ‘The Church of the Apostles’, ‘The Church in its Innocence’, ‘The Church in its Infancy’, and in the New Testament itself, “Christians”, “the Church of Latter Day Saints”, “the Church of God”, “the Body of Christ’s Own”, and many more names and titles that witness of the virginity of the Early Church (first century).  So the fact “The church is warned of many sins in the New Testament, but breaking .... the Sabbath is never mentioned” does not mean they did not observe the Sabbath; it tells the opposite, that they observed the Sabbath Commandment and followed after Christ in its observance BLAMELESSLY and “UNBLAMEABLE” (Col1:22, 1Ths2:10, 3:13), and were “NOT (to) be condemned with regard to Sabbaths’ Feast” in fact, Col2:16.  


Then again, No! It is NOT so that “The church is warned of many sins in the New Testament, but breaking (or observing) the Sabbath is never mentioned.  In the Gospels Christ finds Himself in constant CONFLICT with religious order and society over the Sabbath and how it ought to be observed the Christ-like way, in other words, how to keep it and not to break it. Remember, the Gospels reflect the time of their writing, which was the time of the ESTABLISHED Christian Church and the society and the geography and the worldview of the ESTABLISHED Christian Community. 


A striking incident of Sabbath-trouble IN THE CHURCH, is found in Acts 13, where the Jews chose to boycott the Sabbath Assemblies of the Christian Church, rather than accept Jesus Christ their New Law and Redeemer. This was a blatant instance of transgression of the Fourth Commandment, which, as before happened in their past while they turned their backs on his Sabbath Day, as if naturally resulted in the Jews turning their backs on God. 


Of direct breaking of the Sabbath there in fact is NO mention being made in the New Testament; but of ‘direct’ Sabbaths’ observance, there are MANY incidences and examples. 



The book of Acts mentions the Sabbath nine times, never once as a day of worship for Christians.

Which is not true.

Acts 2:1-4 was a Sabbath’s-case of ‘a day of worship for Christians’ and of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Acts 13:27 was a case of “Whosoever among you feareth God” ‘of worship for Christians’.

Acts 13:44 was a case of ‘a day of worship for Christians’, exclusively “Gentiles”, literally “on-the-to-hear-the-Word-of-God-Sabbath”— so clearly there the Seventh Day of the week Sabbath after the Sixth Day-“in-between-sabbath” (Tishri 10) 13:40-43.

Acts 15:21 was a case of “EVERY Sabbath day”, ‘of worship for Christians’, ‘heathen’, mainly.

Acts 16:13 was a case of ‘a day of worship for Christians’, ‘heathen’ Christians, preached to.

Acts 17:2 was a case of “THREE Sabbaths” ‘of worship for Christians’, “Jews .... and devout Greeks” preached to;

Acts 18:4 was a case of several Sabbaths – “every Sabbath” – ‘a day of worship for Christians’ and of their persecution over being Christians— “Jews, and Greeks”.

One instance only of Jews only, mainly foreign Jews, on Pentecost-Sabbath, ‘of worship for Christians’ in Acts.

EVERY other case in Acts ‘
of worship for Christians’ on the Sabbath, was of Jews and Greeks, but mostly, of ‘Greeks’ or ‘heathen’.

The book of Acts mentions” at least nine cases plus an indefinite continuation of ‘a day of worship for Christians’ (15:21 and 18:4) irrespective, in Gentile countries, “on the Sabbath Day”.

What about the innumerable times of the usual and taken for granted Sabbaths ‘
of worship for Christians’ not mentioned but implied or not mentioned but still implied in Acts? E.g., in Acts 28:14, “We found brethren and were asked to tarry with them (‘hehmeras hepta’) one / a seven-day” Singular or Plural – generally for, ‘the Sabbath’. 

This is how things were “
in Acts”, while there is not a single case in Acts of mention or inference to or from ‘a day of worship for Christians’ on the First Day of the week; Acts 20:7 being no exception.  In 20:7 yet another Sabbath’s congregation of the “disciples” is implied.  The “disciples” – fellow missionaries of Paul’s – names and countries are listed in verse 4; they seem to have been ‘Gentiles’. 


Most significant is that the cases of mention of Early Christian Sabbaths’ Assemblies in Acts are without exception from the ‘era’ of PAUL’S ministry to the ‘heathen’ Gentiles, AFTER the initial ‘Jewish-stage’ of Peter and the other apostles ‘stationed’ in Jerusalem. Legalists, Paul, Luke, Barnabas, Lydia ....?  What were they DOING with the Sabbath ....?  


Statistics statistics ....!





If anything, the Apostle Paul rebuked the Galatians for attempting to add the observance of days to the sufficiency of Christ’s work for salvation (Gal. 4:9-11).  



Exactly! “Superstitiously observing days, months, season, years .... the no-gods first-principles you desire to turn back to ....” pagan deities, the four mythological ‘gods’ of time of Greek ‘wisdom’, and therefore chief of ‘days’: “lord”, as well as “queen of days”,  “the lord sun’s day”, ‘Sunday’; not God’s Holy Day the Sabbath!  Note the quotation marks. They are for real!  Sunday then as today was called and venerated “queen of days” and “the lord sun’s day”, typical and chief of hermaphrodite Greek and other deities.    




The church even changed their day of worship from Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath) to Sunday (the Lord’s Day) (Ac. 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2) to show that a new order had been erected with the resurrection of Christ (Jn. 20:1, 19).  



Totally unacceptable because totally untrue!  Books compressed into one short paragraph of ungrounded, un-Scriptural wildest speculation— to answer will take volumes. Enough therefore to state a few facts only:


Who is the Church to think it can “change their day of worship”?  It does not have the power or the authority. 


Who is the Church that thinks it can “change their day of worship”?  It is “he (who) thinks to change the times and Law”— antichrist.


Not “The Jewish Sabbath” or “Saturday” at any stage ever was “day of worship” of “the church”. 


The church” never “changed their day of worship”.


Sunday” did not in Apostolic times become “day of worship” of “The church”.


Where do you read of “the resurrection of Christ” in “Jn. 20:1, 19”? 




Jesus Christ through His redemptive work regained the Sabbath that Adam lost.
The Sabbath was a sign that pointed to something greater.
Like much of the Old Testament, the Sabbath pointed to Jesus Christ. The Old Testament Sabbath preached the gospel when it called for faith and a cessation of work (Rom. 4:4-5).






We dishonor our Savior when the signs still receive the preeminence that He alone deserves.  



The Sabbath never “receive(d) the preeminence that He alone deserves.  On the contrary, the People of God has always trampled the Sabbath underfoot ....  Instead they erected their own idol, Sunday, to bow before and “superstitiously worship” (‘paratehreoh’).  The Church has gone so far as to change the Law and Times of God, just as it was prophesied it would happen, in worship of Sunday— a cold as hard fact hotter than the sun so revered. 


Besides, the Sabbath never “receive(d) the preeminence that our Savior alone deserves” from ANYONE.  What you do, is transgression of the Ninth Commandment to accuse falsely. 


The Sabbath has been transgressed consistently either by disregard and being hated; or as tool of self-righteousness and will-worship, which two abuses of it neither is the Sabbath or the Sabbath-keeping of the works of God’s well-pleasing. 


We dishonor our Savior when we disregard and despise the ‘signs’ that He Himself instated to witness of Him and to serve his Lordship, his People and the Covenant between them.   




Now that Jesus is here, the signs have become obsolete (Heb. 8:13).



You may repeat it a thousand times, it will remain the same lying report about what the Scriptures really declare in Hebrews chapters eight and nine, explained above.




The Apostle Paul said, "Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day--things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ" (Col. 2:16-17).  



Exactly!  Now tell us what is against the Sabbath in this; and next, What is pro-Sunday in this? 


And I shall tell you that this— “Col. 2:16-17” and context,

is a positively pro-Sabbaths’ Feast of Christ Scripture

in its own right and outstandingly glorifying of the Christ

and “The Body of Christ’s Own”—

summed up in the words of verse 19 where

.... holding fast to the Head from which all the Body (the Church) by joints and bands having nourishment ministered – and KNIT TOGETHER – INCREASETH WITH THE INCREASE OF GOD, wherefore ye be DEAD WITH CHRIST, FROM the rudiments (false gods) of the world.”   


A:  This last phrase of verse 20a, “wherefore ye be DEAD WITH CHRIST, FROM the rudiments (false gods) of the world”,

B:  the phrase in verse 19, “being knit together”, and

C:  the admonition in verse 18, “let no man beguile you” —


go and pick them up before the section verses 15-19,


C:  in 8 (x18), to “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy”;

B:  in 2 and 7 (x19), “being knit together in love unto acknowledgement of the mystery of God .... rooted and built up in Him and stablished in the faith”; and

A:  in 12-13 (x20a), being “dead” .... “buried with Him” —


where the ‘externals’ serve

as ‘fixation’ of what is in between, and

enclose the essence of the ‘internals’, verses 15 to 17,


Having spoiled principalities and powers (of the world, evil and sin) He made a shew of them openly, TRIUMPHING over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in eating or drinking, or in respect of eating and drinking of Feast, whether of month’s or of Sabbaths’, which are but shadow of things a coming, even the Body of Christ’s Own.”


Exegetes call it a Chiasm (more or less) that focusses

through the indicators (‘signs’ or ‘externals’)

into the centre of the essentials (‘internals’).


So that here in Colossians 2 is found

The People of God” – “The Body of Christ’s Own” – “JUDGED”:   

JUDGED with regard to eating and drinking of Sabbaths’ Feast” ....


JUDGED”:  WITH CHRIST dead from the first principles of the WORLD” ....

JUDGED .... WITH CHRIST .... with regard to Sabbaths’ Feast” ....       

JUDGED .... HOLDING FAST to the Head from which all the Body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered and KNIT TOGETHER INCREASETH WITH THE INCREASE OF GOD.” 

JUDGED”:  ALIVE to God through Christ” Ro6:11 ....


18 “Let no man therefore beguile you of your reward ....” you HAVE BEEN JUDGED!  You have been weighed— “Let no man dare judge you wanting!  Let no man dare judge you” ‘legalist!  ENJOY!  ENJOY eating and drinking of Sabbath’s Feast! ENJOY of Jesus Christ!  ENJOY of eating and drinking of the Bread and the Water of Life!   


Call that, ‘legalist?  Call that, ‘externals?  Then be it! It is “according to the Scriptures”, “blameless”, “unblameable” – ‘un-judgable / un-condemnable’ – worship of and service to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Who cares what the world judges us for?   




Jesus is the new Joshua that leads God’s children to a greater Promised Land of rest (Mt. 1:21). Jesus is the new Sabbatical Jubilee (Lev. 25:8-10) that provides a greater cancellation of debts (Lk. 4:18-19).  



Yea! As long as you don’t dare feast Sabbaths’ Feast .... or say a word against worshipping Sundays .... because that’s ‘legalist’!


It is high time the hypocrisy and legalism of the Sunday-Jesus myth is exposed.  It is time the Church starts silencing by murdering her accusers again .... That she has already started doing, having murdered already many pure words of Holy Scriptures.




Jesus Christ has now become the Sabbath rest for Christians under the New Covenant.  



See what I mean ....




God has completed His work of the new creation. Christians are the first fruits of that creation (2 Cor.. 5:17; Gal. 6:15).  



In neither of these Scriptures “are Christians the first fruits of the new creation”.  That’s our problem; we Christians usurp the position of Christ; we have become Lucifers. If only we can lord it over others and have our own ‘Word’ for final. 




Our rest, as it was enjoyed by Adam everyday, has again been restored.  



Man being in honour abideth not.” Ps49:12. Adam “lodged not for a night”. “His teeth watered at the apple, and ever since it has made our eyes water. .... See the wonderful goodness of God, who was pleased when man had forfeited the first covenant, to enter into a new covenant with him. Well may it be called faedus gratiae, a covenant of grace; for it is bespangled with promises as the heaven with stars.” Thomas Watson, ‘A Body of Divinity’ 3/1. God entered into NEW Covenant – the Covenant of GRACE – “In the cool of the day / evening” already in Genisis 3:8 in and through Jesus Christ (with man), after the Sixth Day and Adam’s first and only in paradise. 


Christ restored the Rest of God’ spurned by Adam at his fall. For Christ “entered into his own rest as God ....  the Seventh Day  .... wherefore remains a keeping of the Sabbath Day for the People of God”, Hb4:10,4,9. 




During this life we still deal with some remnants of the curse, but we recognize our rest in Christ (from meritorious works) through faith and daily worship (Col. 3:17).  



Col. 3:17” .... This Scripture does NOT imply “daily worship”. It does not generalise or speak of “daily worship” or ‘worship’ of every day of everyone by himself.


Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also, ye are CALLED IN ONE BODY; and be ye thankful.  Let the Word of God dwell IN YOU (in your assemblies in One Body) richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing ONE ANOTHER in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing (when IN ONE BODY assembled) with grace in your hearts to the Lord (in Sabbaths’ worship congregated). 


Paul addresses the Believers of “The Body of Christ’s Own” AS WHEN ASSEMBLED in worship for worship, they worshipped; in the first place.   Paul of course also, speaks to the believers as individuals, but to them primarily and essentially as the Church of the “CALLED” WHEN come together “in one Body”.  


Worship” in Colossians as a whole, by definition narrows down to Congregational Worship .... to the Church in the world of unbelief in which it finds itself.  Colossians focussus on Believers-Come-Together-for-to-worship in 3:9 to 17 — including “Col. 3:17” — as it focussus on Believers-Come-Together-for-to-worship in 2:12-20a, “SABBATHS”, in the face of a hostile and condemning world!  The Church congregating “of Sabbaths’ Feast”, the only day the WHOLE New Testament knows, or ever mentions, or suggests or implies with regard to Corporate Worship. (Not individual “daily worship”.) 


To deny its “Sabbaths’ Feast-worship” is to deny the Congregational worship of the Apostolic Church as a light of the Gospel shining in a dark world.   




Due to His redemptive work, He has become our Sabbath rest.  



No; due to His redemptive work, Christ has become our rest; and ‘our rest’ is He Who is GOD’S Rest which God has “entered into” and has given us, as the free gift of his Grace to also share in: to us to also share in THROUGH and IN Jesus Christ— to us to also share in NOT in ourselves or in ANY of our own doing or work or – for that matter – own ‘rest’. 


Hebrews uses DIFFERENT WORDS ALTOGETHER to describe God’s Rest in and through Jesus Christ, and “a keeping” literally “of the Sabbath Day: for the People of God”, the words ‘katapausis’ for “rest”; and ‘sabbatismos’ for “a keeping of the Sabbath Day”. 


It is sheer dishonesty to keep these things quiet; they are kept quiet in the vain hope to get away with the lie of Sunday-worship. 


God’s Rest is not the consequence of his Sabbath Rest; his Sabbath Rest is the consequence of God’s Rest. 












Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light" (Mt. 11:28-30; c.f. Heb. 4:1-11).  



Therefore if Today you hear His Voice, do not harden your heart!  My burden is light” and “My Sabbaths”— “My holy day .... a delight”.   The Holy of the LORD, and honourable. .... THEN (on it) shalt thou (capital letter: “shalt Thou” for Christ) DELIGHT Thyself in the LORD.” Is58:13. 




The Christian’s ultimate Sabbath rest will be enjoyed in heaven  (Rev. 14:13; c.f. 14:11).  



Rev. 14:13; c.f. 14:11 are irrelevant Scriptures.  Your comment makes nonsense. It’s artificial Sunday-rhetoric. 




Though we currently rest in Jesus Christ under the New Covenant, our supreme Sabbatical rest will be realized in heaven where we will enjoy the ultimate rest in the culmination of God’s new creation (Rev. 21:4; 22:1-2) away from the curse in the direct presence of the Lamb (Rev. 22:3).   



Realized in heaven”? what reality is “in heaven” of “the Seventh Day Sabbath of the LORD your God” on earth?  It’s a hoax; the Sunday propaganda hoax of antichrist, this “sabbatical rest realized in heaven” myth. 


The ultimate rest in the culmination of God’s new creation” IS, Jesus Christ; IS occurred, IN the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  That is why a keeping of the Sabbath by the People of God exists”, exists ever so mandatory and down to earth and literally and ‘legally’ and ‘ceremoniously’. Whether so, or, ‘spiritually’— “a keeping of the Sabbath by the People of God” is nothing if not “the Seventh Day GOD, thus concerning, did SPEAK, and God the SEVENTH Day (of his works of creation and redemption) from all his WORKS, rested. 


That, ultimately, is “the Sabbath DAY” of which “the Son of MAN, is Lord”.  That ultimately earthly “Seventh Day” of this creation ‘in the culmination of God’s new creation’, is “BECOME / MADE the Sabbath”,  by the POWER of His – Christ’s – resurrection” Phil3:10 and “by the GLORY of the Father” Ro6:4 by which He “raised Christ from the dead and exalted Him at the right hand of the throne of God in heavenly exaltation” Eph1:19-20.


In the culmination of God’s new creation  the Seventh Day .... was made .... the Sabbath Day”, in its ‘ultimate’ realisation’ in Christ, through Christ, in and through resurrection from the dead, “Sabbath’s” Mt28:1.   




The rest we have in Christ is our sabbath rest. We are in Christ and "He" is our rest, forever, in Christ!  



No, the Sabbath is not “our sabbath” or “our sabbath rest”. The Sabbath belongs to God nevertheless is neither God’s, or Christ’s, or “our rest”.  


God the Seventh Day rested from all his works”, yes, but God’s WORK of to rest, was God’s rest; not the day upon which He rested, the Seventh Day. 


The Sabbath is the Seventh Day from God’s original creation of the world, yes, but it “was made” ‘ultimately’, ‘In the culmination of God’s new creation  through Christ. 


The Sabbath is the Biblical, ‘human day’ of God’s “making” through the “Son of Man” “for man”, on earth.


The Sabbath is meant “for man”, but only because firstly “the Sabbath was made for ....” THIS “Man”, Jesus Christ.


The Sabbath then is also meant “for man”, but only because “a keeping of the Sabbath Day remains valid for the People of God” in the first place. “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God .... Because the creature itself shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” Ro8:19,21.


For thus God concerning the Seventh Day spake: And God the Seventh Day rested from all his works.  The Sabbath makes no sense but by Jesus Christ and for Him. The Sabbath also makes no sense if not as this earthly, human, ‘observed’, “Seventh Day” of the week of God’s observance in his works of rest and rest of works through Jesus Christ in resurrection from the dead.


It is typical of Sunday-worship rhetoric to wantonly adorn the Sabbath with the dross of golden mouth-service at the cost of its God-given sanctity and blessedness to serve “for the People of God” as “Body of Christ’s Own”. 


What makes the Sabbath Day what it to the Commandment of God is, is that it is elect “Lord’s Day” and “Sabbath of the LORD your God” “in” which God through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead “rested from all His works”. 


10 November 2009
























Initial statement by



Below is some information that I hope will increase your understanding of the Sabbath rest.

The Sabbath was a command given specifically to Israel.  There is no biblical record whatsoever of anybody keeping the Sabbath prior to Exodus 16 (Neh. 9:13-14). Even after they received the full-blown Sabbath command (Ex. 20:8-11), Israel who often condemned the sins of her pagan neighbors, never criticized their violation of the Sabbath.

The Sabbath was part of God’s ceremonial law and not grounded in His unchanging character.  The Sabbath was a ceremonial law given specifically to Israel, not grounded in God’s unchanging nature. Similar to the entire old covenant, it has been fulfilled and brought to completion in Christ (Mt. 5:17). If David had a right to make an exception in the ceremonial law, Jesus had more (Mt. 12:1-8; c.f 5:21-48). Even Jesus said," The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath" (Mk. 2:27). Moreover, He called Himself the "Lord of the Sabbath" (Lk. 6:5).

The Sabbath was the sign of the Old Covenant
(Ex. 31:16-17; Neh. 9:14; Eze. 20:12). Because we are now under the New Covenant we are no longer under obligation to keep the Old Covenant, particularly the sign of the Old Covenant. The writer to the Hebrews remarked, "When He said, ‘A new covenant,’ He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear" (Heb. 8:13).

The New Testament nowhere commands Christians to observe the Sabbath.  The church is warned of many sins in the New Testament, but breaking (or observing) the Sabbath is never mentioned. The book of Acts mentions the Sabbath nine times, never once as a day of worship for Christians. If anything, the Apostle Paul rebuked the Galatians for attempting to add the observance of days to the sufficiency of Christ’s work for salvation (Gal. 4:9-11). The church even changed their day of worship from Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath) to Sunday (the Lord’s Day) (Ac. 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2) to show that a new order had been erected with the resurrection of Christ (Jn. 20:1, 19).

Jesus Christ through His redemptive work regained the Sabbath that Adam lost.  Jesus Christ came to complete a redemptive work (Jn. 4:34; 5:36) by restoring the rest that was forfeited in the Garden. In following the same pattern for the first creation, Jesus Christ began the work spoken of in Genesis 3:15 (c.f. Gen. 1:3). He completed the work on the cross (Jn. 17:4; 19:30; c.f. Gen. 1:5). The work was met with God’s satisfaction by the resurrection and ascension of Christ (Rom. 1:3-4; Gen. 1:4) leading again to divine rest (Heb. 10:11-12; c.f. Gen. 2:1-3).

The Sabbath was a sign that pointed to something greater.  Like much of the Old Testament, the Sabbath pointed to Jesus Christ. The Old Testament Sabbath preached the gospel when it called for faith and a cessation of work (Rom. 4:4-5). We dishonor our Savior when the signs still receive the preeminence that He alone deserves. Now that Jesus is here, the signs have become obsolete (Heb. 8:13). The Apostle Paul said, "Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day--things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ" (Col. 2:16-17). Jesus is the new Joshua that leads God’s children to a greater Promised Land of rest (Mt. 1:21). Jesus is the new Sabbatical Jubilee (Lev. 25:8-10) that provides a greater cancellation of debts (Lk. 4:18-19).

Jesus Christ has now become the Sabbath rest for Christians under the New Covenant.  God has completed His work of the new creation. Christians are the first fruits of that creation (2 Cor.. 5:17; Gal. 6:15). Our rest, as it was enjoyed by Adam everyday, has again been restored. During this life we still deal with some remnants of the curse, but we recognize our rest in Christ (from meritorious works) through faith and daily worship (Col. 3:17). Due to His redemptive work, He has become our Sabbath rest. Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light" (Mt. 11:28-30; c.f. Heb. 4:1-11).

The Christian’s ultimate Sabbath rest will be enjoyed in heaven (Rev. 14:13; c.f. 14:11). Though we currently rest in Jesus Christ under the New Covenant, our supreme Sabbatical rest will be realized in heaven where we will enjoy the ultimate rest in the culmination of God’s new creation (Rev. 21:4; 22:1-2) away from the curse in the direct presence of the Lamb (Rev. 22:3).
I hope this will help you with your understanding of the rest we have in Christ, who is our sabbath rest. We are in Christ and "He" is our rest, forever, in Christ!


StJohn’s closing statement:


I've noticed that your website is all about the Sabbath too. You are very obsessive. :-(

Your email address has been added to my blocked senders list (blacklisted), you can send all you want too, but after this one, I will never see them and never know you have sent them. They will be immediately deleted, so please, send all you want. I'd be very happy to know you're wasting all your time on me and not bothering anyone else.

The Lockman foundation is aware of your stalking. Be assured my obsessive friend that it will be dealt with. SBF is a Bible study, it is not a place to push dogmatic doctrinal heterodoxy. :-( 










































Gerhard Ebersöhn

Suite 324

Private Bag X43

Sunninghill 2157

