The Last Week


The First Month for You
"Observe the Month of Abib!"[3] Christ our Passover sacrificed[4]; Lamb of God[5]; A Lamb stood on the mount; they sang a new song before the Throne[6]

"The eighth day of Abib, they came"[7], He came to Bethany.[8]

Saturday (Abib 9)
Six days before the Passover Feast; where Lazarus stayed; lunch.[9]

Palm Sunday (5 days before Feast)
The next day[10], "tenth day of Abib”[11], Jerusalem; branches of palm trees.[12] Late; to Bethany.[13]

Monday (Abib 11; 4 days before Feast)
The next day[14] From Bethany; fig tree; in temple; when late out of city; to Bethany.[15]

[1] 1Cor15:3-4
[2] Mt12:40
[3] Dt16:1-3, 2Chr29:15a
[4] 1Cor5:7
[5] Jh1:29,36
[6] Rv14:1,3, 15:3; Ps40:2-3, 138; Ex15:1-3, 6-7, 16-18; Eph1:17-23; Ro6:4; Col2:12b, 15
[7] 2Chr29:15b
[8] Jn11:56, 12:1a
[9] Jn12:1b
[10] Jn12:12a
[11] Ex12:3,6
[12] Jh12:12b-13
[13] Mk11:11
[14] Mk11:12-13, Mt21:18-19
[15] Mk11:19, Mt21:17


Tuesday (Abib 12; 3 days before Feast)
The next day[1]; returned to city; saw fig tree; in temple; out of temple; mount of Olives.[2] = “When Jesus had
finished these sayings, he said to his disciples, You know that after two days is the Passover when the Son of Man is to be crucified (Abib 14).”[3]

Wednesday (Abib 13; 2 days before Feast)
In the night (Tuesday-night) He abode in the mount.[4] Early in the morning; all the people came to the temple[5]; The Feast Day when they began to eat Unleavened Bread drew nigh[6]; After two days was the Feast Day[7] of the Passover of Unleavened Bread; The priests sought how they might take Him; not on the Feast![8]

And He being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper ... Judas went to the priests to betray Him unto them without tumult.”[9]

[1] Mk11:20, Mt21:18,23, Lk20:1
[2] Mk13:1,3
[3] Mt26:2, Jesus’ own words to his disciples; “two days” to Nisan 14, but 3 days to Nisan 15.
[4] Lk21:37
[5] Lk21:38
[6] Lk22:1
[7] Mk14:1, Abib 15; Mark’s words to the readers.
[8] Mk14:2, Mt26:5, Nisan 13 – “Not on the Feast Day”, Nisan 15, yet!
[9] Mk14:3,10, Mt26:6,15, Lk22:3



Thursday (Abib 14; 1 day before Feast)

"The fourteenth day"[1] Before the Feast[2]; the first[3] day Leaven had[4] to be Removed; began[5]; the night in which He was betrayed[6]; the Preparation of the Passover[7]; when always[8] the Passover must[9] be killed; My time is at hand.[10] In the evening[11] when the hour was come[12] He sat down with the disciples. His hour was come.[13] It was night.[14] This day in this night[15]; this hour[16]; Enough, the hour had come[17]; Behold, the Son of Man is betrayed!

[1] Lv23:5
[2] Jn13:1
[3] Mt26:17a
[4] Ex12:19
[5] Lk22:7a
[6] 1Cor11:23
[7] Jn19:14
[8]Mk14:12a/17, Mt26:17a/20, Lk22:7a/14, Jn13:1
[9] Lk22:7b
[10] Mt26:18b
[11] Mk14:17, Mt26:20
[12] Lk22:14
[13] Jn13:1
[14] Jn13:30b
[15] Mk14:30
[16] Mk14:35, Mt26:39a
[17] Mk14:41b Mt26:45b
[18] Jn18:28
[19] Jn19:14
[20] Mk15:25
[21] Mk15:33
[22] Mt27:50
[23] Lk23:48

It was early; and they themselves went not into the judgment hall, lest they should be defiled, but that they might eat the passover.[1]
It was the Preparation of Passover six o’clock am ... Behold, your King![2] It was the third hour when they crucified Him.[3] When the sixth hour was come, there was darkness until the ninth hour.[4] Jesus then after, yielded up the ghost.[5]

And all the people that came to that sight, when having seen the things which were done, went away and returned.[6]

[1] Jn18:28
[2] Jn19:14
[3] Mk15:25
[4] Mk15:33
[5] Mt27:50
[6] Lk23:48



Friday The Feast

After this because it was the Preparation, Joseph of Arimathea, secretly for fear of the Jews, went[1] in[2] boldly unto Pilate[3], (and) besought (him) that he might take away the body of Jesus.[4] And Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore and took down[5] the body of Jesus (and) away[6]. Having bought linen[7], Joseph wrapped[8] the body. There came also Nicodemus who the first time came to Jesus by night, and brought a mixture of myrrh about an hundred pound. Then prepared[9] they the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen with the spices as the manner of the Jews is to bury.[10]
[1] Mt27:58
[2] Mk15:43 – cf. Jn18:28
[3] Lk23:52
[4] Jn19:38 ‘arehi’
[5] Mk15:46a, Lk23:53a ‘kathelohn’
[6] Jn19:38c ‘ehren’
[7] Mk15:46
[8] Lk23:53 ‘kathelohn – enetulicsen’
[9] Jn19:40a, ‘elabon – edehsan’; Mt27:59a ‘labohn – enetulicsen’
[10] Jn19:39-40



Daylight Procession

The women also, who came with Him from Galilee (Mary Magdalene and the other Mary), followed the procession.[1]

There was a garden in the place where He was crucified, and in the garden a new sepulchre, hewn out of rock[2], wherein was never man yet laid.[3] There laid they[4] Jesus because of the Jews’ preparations.[5]

Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulchre[6] beheld where[7] (and) how his body was laid.[8]

(Joseph) rolled a great[9] stone unto the door of the sepulchre[10], and departed.[11]

(The women) returned home also, and prepared spices and ointments.[12]

The day was The Preparation, afternoon while the Sabbath drew on.[13]

[1] Lk23:55
[2] Mk15:46c, Mt 27:60b
[3] Jn19:41
[4] Jn19:38a, 39a, Joseph and Nicodemus
[5] Jn19:42
[6] Mt27:61
[7] Mk15:47
[8] Lk23:55b
[9] Mt27:60c
[10] Mk15:46d
[11] Mt27:60d
[12] Lk23:56a
[13] Lk23:54



Saturday (Abib 16)

“First Sheaf Wave Offering Before the LORD; on the day after the sabbath (of the Passover, Abib 15).”[1]

The women began[2] to rest the Sabbath Day according to the (Fourth) Commandment.[3]

The morning sunrise, all their precautions despite, the chief priests and Pharisees had a meeting with Pilate, and protested, But Sir, we remember this deceiver said while he was yet alive, After[4] three days I will rise again! Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day has passed; lest his disciples come by night and steal him away, and say, he is risen.[5] So they secured the tomb by sealing the stone and setting a watch.[6]

[1] Lv23:10,15-16
[2] Ingressive Aorist. Cf. Lv23:32, Dt24:15
[3] Lk23:56b
[4] “After” is used idiomatically for Matthew’s usual “the third day”, 12:40, 16:21,23, 20:19. “After tree days” – not ‘after the third day’! It does not mean on a fourth day after three days. Cf. 26:2, “after two days the Feast”, inclusive of first and last days.
[5] Mt27:62-64
[6] Mt27:66


In the slow hours[1] of the Sabbath’s[2] after noon[3], towards the First Day of the week explained the angel[4]:– When suddenly there was a great earthquake, (and) Mary Magdalene and the other Mary set out[5] to go[6] have a look at the grave[7], Behold! For the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and hurled back the stone from the door, and sat on it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow. And for fear of him the keepers did shake and became as dead.[8]

[1] Dionysius
[2] ‘Sabbath’s-time’
[3] ‘Being (day)light tending’
[4] Mt28:5a
[5] Wenham
[6] Infinitive of intention
[7] Mt28:1
[8] Mt28:2-4



Sunday (Abib 17)

And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought sweet spices that when[1] they come, they might anoint Him.[2]

Early darkness still the First Day of the week, Mary Magdalene comes[3] to the sepulchre and sees the stone taken away from it! Then she runs and comes to Peter.[4]

On the First Day of the week, deep dark morning[5], they[6] and certain other with them, went[7] to the grave bringing their spices which they had prepared. And they found[8] the stone rolled away from the grave.[9]

[1] They did not then, immediately, go to the tomb, but first waited.
[2] Mk16:1a Salome did not know of events.
[3] Notice the Present!
[4] Jn20:1 futher
[5] Lk24:1 ‘órthrou bathéohs’
[6] The two Marys and Salome. A variant has “three women”.
[7] Notice the Past!
[8] Just as Mary must have told them!
[9] Lk24:1 further


Very early before sunrise on the First Day of the week, they[1], came[2] to the tomb. Talking among themselves, they wondered: Who could have rolled the stone away for us (for it was exceedingly big!)?[3] So on re-investigation[4] they found that the stone was thrown back uphill![5] ... They fled from the sepulchre, for they trembled and were amazed. They told nobody anything, because they were afraid.[6] ... But Mary had had stood after[7] in front of the tomb. Weeping, she bent over and looked inside the sepulchre. ... She turned herself around, and saw Jesus ... supposing Him to be the gardener ...[8] Risen (Jesus), very early daylight on the First Day of the week, first appeared to Mary Magdalene.[9]

[1] Mary Magdalene, the other Mary and Salome, but probably ‘others with them’ again.
[2]  ‘erchontai’, Present of past meaning; they first ‘come’ = ‘came’, KJV, then ‘talked’.

[3] Mk16:4c, They were familiar with the situation already; it was not their first visit to the tomb!
[4] Mk16:4a, ‘anablepsasai’
[5] Mk16:4b, ‘anakekúlistai’
[6] Mk16:8
[7] Jn20:11a, “heistehkehi”, Pluperfect

[8] Jn20:15b
[9] Mk16:9 The other women must have returned to the grave after Jesus had appeared to Mary, when “The angel explained to them”, and they believed, and Jesus appeared to them while they went to tell the others. Refer to Mt28:5 further.















































































Gerhard Ebersöhn

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