Offering the Gifts (‘prospheróntohn ta dóhra’)



That the high priest may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins


By offence many died; but not as with offence, is it with grace, much rather grace and the gift unto many abounded!  Not as with one who sinned is it with the gift, for as by offence, death reigned ... much rather will they who receive the gift, reign in Life.



But not as with the offence indeed is it with grace, for if by the offence of one man the many died, much rather abounded the grace of God and the gift unto many by the grace of The One Man Jesus Christ.   Then not as with one who sinned is it with the gift, for on the one hand judgment unto condemnation comes from one man; on the other hand though, grace, from many offences, is unto justification.   For as by one man’s offence death reigned by the one, much rather will they who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, reign in Life through The One Man Jesus Christ.


If thou knewest the Gift of God indeed Who is The One saying to you, give Me water.   We joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement and reconciliation 


“We received” a ‘gift’, the Gift of Christ, the ‘gift’ of reconciliation and atonement – ‘The Gift of Life!



Here is how :


Gift’ - ‘Dohreá’ (X 11)


Hb5:1, “That the high priest may offer: both gifts and sacrifices for sins”, (hína prospheréhi: dohrá te kaí thusías hupér hamartióhn)


Ro5:15,  “But not as with the offence (All’ ouch hohs to paráptohma) indeed (is it with) grace (hoútohs kai to chárisma), for if (ei gar) by the offence of one man (tohi paraptóhmati tou henós) the many died (hoi pollóí apéthanon), much rather abounded the grace of God (pollóhi mallon eperísseusen heh cháris tou theoú) and the gift unto many (kai heh doreá ... eis tous polloús) by the grace of The One Man Jesus Christ (en cháriti tehi tou henós anthróhpou Iehsoú Xristoú).   


16 Then not as with one who sinned (is it with) the gift (kai oux hohs di’ henós hamartéhsantos to dóhrehma): for on the one (hand) judgment unto condemnation (comes) from one man (to men gar kríma ex henós eis katákrima); on the other (hand though), grace, from many offences, (is) unto justification (to de chárisma, ek pollóhn paraptohmátohn eis dikáíohma).  


17 For as by one man’s offence death reigned by the one (ei gar tohi tou henós paraptóhmati ho thánatos ebasíleusen dia tou henós), much rather will they who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness (pollóhi mallon hoi (lambánontes) perisséían tehs cháritas kai tehs dohreás tehs dikaiosýnehs), reign in Life through The One (Man) Jesus Christ (en dzohéhi basileúsousin diá tou henós Iehsoú Xristoú).


Jn4:10, “If thou knewest the Gift of God (ei ehdéís tehn dohreán tou theoú) indeed Who is The One saying to you, give Me water.”  


Ro5:11b,  “We joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ (kauchóhmenoi en tohi theóhi diá Kyrioú hehmóhn Iehsoú Xristoú) by whom we have now received the atonement / reconciliation” -(di’ ‘hou nyn tehn katallagéhn elábomen)  


“We received” a ‘gift’, the Gift of Christ, the ‘gift’ of reconciliation and atonement – ‘The Gift of Life!


On account of the excelling grace of God upon you, thanks to God for His Unspeakable and Indescribable Gift.  Partakers of his Promise in Christ by the Gospel ... according to the Gift of the grace of God given ... by the effectual working of His Power.  Unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the Gift-of-Christ.*  Once having tasted of the heavenly gifts ... the principles of the doctrine of Christ”.    (2Cor9:15; Eph3:7-8; 4:7; Hb6:4/1)


(* ‘gift’ in verse 8b not ‘dohreá’, but ‘dómata’! Also note the use of ‘dohreá’ only where applied with reference to God or Christ or Holy Spirit, in contrast with ‘dóhron’ for other applications, 19 times with the probable or improbable exception of Eph2:8.)








Offer / bring:   Mt5:23 (gift to altar of sacrifice), 24, 8:4, Mk1:44 (for cleansing) Lk5:14 (things Moses commanded), Acts 7:42 (things slain) (X6)


Offer offering:   Acts 21:26


Bring / give / put:   Mt2:11, 4:24, 8:16, 9:2, 32, 12:22, 14:35, 17:16, 18:24, 19:13, 22:19, 25:20, Mk10:13, 13, Lk12:11, 18:15, 23:14, 36, Jh19:29  Acts 8:18   (X20)


Do service / favour:  Jn16:2


Subtotal  X28


In Hebrews 


Concerning sins:  Sacrifices  5:3, 9:7, 10:1,2,11, 11:4,17a,b  (X8)

Offer gift:  8:3, 4     (X2)    

Both sacrifice and gift:  5:1, 8:3, 9:9, 10:8a     (X4)


Christ offered sacrifice:  9:28, 10:12      (X2)

Offered Himself:  9:14 (blood ... ‘offered’=24), 25     (X2)


Offered prayers  5:7

Dealing with sons  12:7


Subtotal  X20; Total  X48


“If thou bring thy gift to the altar of sacrifice (eán oun prosphérehis to dóhrón sou epí to thysiastéhrion) ... leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way (áphes ekeí to dóhrón sou émprosthen tou thyastehríou) ... and then come and offer thy gift (kai tóte elthóhn prósphere to dóhrón sou).” Mt5:23-24  If you are not a priest, you only ‘offer’ or ‘bring and present’-‘prosphérehis’ your ‘gift’-‘ dóhron’ for to be slaughtered on the ‘altar for sacrifice’-‘ thysiastéhrion’ (< ‘thýoh’ > ‘thysía’-‘sacrifice’+‘staurós’ i.m.o.). Only a priest could actually sacrifice or shed the blood to take the life.  For Christ to have made “Sacrifice of Himself”, He had to have been Priest in order to do so. Not of the tribe of Levi, He, according to the Law, could not be Priest. But because Christ from everlasting had been Priest and again by Word of God had been appointed and sworn, Priest, He not only had been Priest but, from everlasting had been “High Priest of the Most High God ... after the Order of Melchisedec … according to the Law of Everlasting Life”.  Therefore Jesus, “while on earth” (8:4), in fact had been High Priest when, on earth, He “made Sacrifice of Himself”,  so that,  If He on earth remained, would not be Priest at all”.   So Christ was one offered to bear the sins of many”; “now once in the end of the world hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” (hoútohs kai ho Xristós hápaks prosenenchtheís eis to pollóhn anenenkeín hamartías; ... nuní hápaks epí synteleíai tohn aióhnohn eis athétehsin tehs hamartías diá tehs thysías autoú pephanérohtai.) Hb9:28a, 26b. (‘Offered’ –‘prosenenchtheís / anenenkeín < prosphéroh’; ‘Put away / annull’ – ‘athétehsin’ < athetéoh < a+títhehmi)


Christ ‘brings’ and ‘presents’-‘prosphérei’ Himself before the altar for to be ‘sacrificed’ (thúoh), and “on the altar-of-the-cross’-‘epi to thysiastéhrion’,  of Himself made sacrifice’-‘thysías’ / ‘anenénkas’, cf. James 2:21.


All earthly ‘sacrifices’ are ‘offered’ live, ‘gifts-of-offering-to-be-sacrificed’. ---  Christ while on earth had to be ALIVE, in order to offer / present-Himself-a-Sacrifice / for to be sacrificed!


Everyone had to bring his ‘offering-while-alive’; but only a priest could ‘sacrifice / slay / offer-it-a-sacrifice’. --- Christ while on earth had to be PRIEST, in order to Make Sacrifice of Himself!


No one but a priest afterwards could within the sanctuary ‘bring-offer-present’ the (sacrificed) life-blood  (by pouring, sprinkling or smearing it onto the altar of blood offering).


No one but Christ afterwards and within the sanctuary of His Own Being could ‘bring-offer-present’ “before the LORD” LIFE, “brought-from-the-dead-again”. 


(The ‘place’ as well as the ‘time’, are found in One, “brought-from-the-dead-again” ... Two, “offered / exalted before the LORD” ... Three, “seated at / on the Right Hand of God”.  The manner and estimation of THIS OFFERING, are found in “in the heavenlies / in heavenly glory” ... “far above every name named”.) Therefore ‘to offer’ pertain to the sacrifice before being slain or sacrificed (sometimes, ‘offered’).  As a living offering or gift it is then ‘sacrificed’ a sacrifice by the shedding of blood, wherewith life is taken for sins. So with Christ; but, like with no earthly offering or taking of life, Christ first ‘offered’ Himself for to be sacrificed; next, “of Himself made sacrifice”; and last, “took up His Life again ... an Offering” of Life unto life ... to which every case (X4) of the ‘Gift’-‘dohreá’ of the Holy Spirit witnesses! Acts 2:38, 8:18/20, 10:45, 11:16/17.