Damon Mubinde
Hi Gerhard,
You did not answer my question in the previous mail. Please do not be
afraid, just identify yourself clearly and tell me where you got my address,
your concepts are worth studying and scrutinizing, and they are making me dig
deeper into God's truths. Praise God! I love this. If what you are saying is
the truth I will follow, by the grace of God, but I will not allow anyone to
deceive me.
I discovered that the weekly cycle has not changed since creation and that the
dates may be altered like in 1582 when thursday was 5th and Friday was the
14th, but Friday remained Friday just like it was going to be if it was 6th. So
sir, what I can tell you is that the 1st day of the week is equivalent to
Sunday of today, I am sure you know this. The controversy sir is between God
and the Devil, Satan. He wants to fulfil what he purposed in his heart a long
time ago that " I will ascend to the throne higher than that of the
Creator God". Satan wants to oppose God in every aspect of truth. When God
says e.g "This is White" he will say "this is black". The
seventh day Sabbath Identifies God as the creator of the universe. And by
keeping the 7th day Sabbath holy, you're simply affirming that God is the
creator. Satan wants to replace it with the Sun- day, or ANYDAY. Saturday is
the Sabbath it has never changed. Yes Jesus rose on Sunday but he left
no command to commemorate his resurrection by way of honoring a day. The
only memorial he left is the LORD's super. We can also say, by baptism we show
that we die with Him and rise with him. His blessed disciples never left any
record of any change. (which I suppose you are not saying looking at the way I
have looked at your analysis.)
Now sir be bold and brave, which day is the Sabbath? (Whether to commemorate
creation, redemption OR BOTH.)
Below are some quotations;
1. Has the 7-Day Week Cycle Ever Been Interrupted?
There is no record of the 7-day week cycle ever having been broken. Calendar
changes and reform have never interrupted the 7-day cycles. It very likely that
the week cycles have run uninterrupted at least since the days of Moses (c.
1400 B.C.E.), possibly even longer.
Some sources claim that the ancient Jews used a calendar in which an extra
Sabbath was occasionally introduced. But this is probably not true.
2. What Is the Origin of the 7-Day Week?
Digging into the history of the 7-day week is a very complicated matter.
Authorities have very different opinions about the history of the week, and
they frequently present their speculations as if they were indisputable facts.
The only thing we seem to know for certain about the origin of the 7-day week
is that we know nothing for certain.
The common explanation is that the seven-day week was established as imperial
calendar in the late
The first pages of the Bible explain how God created the world in six days and
rested on the seventh. This seventh day became the Jewish day of rest, the
sabbath, Saturday.
Extra-biblical locations sometimes mentioned as the birthplace of the 7-day
week include:
Have a blessed Sabbath,
DM: “I discovered that the weekly cycle has not changed since creation and that the dates may be altered like in 1582 when thursday was 5th and Friday was the 14th, but Friday remained Friday just like it was going to be if it was 6th. So sir, what I can tell you is that the 1st day of the week is equivalent to Sunday of today, I am sure you know this.”
I agree, and may perhaps add, the 1st day of the week is not only an ‘equivalent to Sunday of today’, Sunday of today, IS, the 1st day of the week uninterruptedly “superstitiously observed .... days .... no-gods .... first principles .... of the world” since the time Paul wrote Galatians 4:10. Strange what people – calling themselves Christians – will think of to excuse unbelief and common, inexcusable disobedience, and will go to ANY LENGTHS to protect as something precious and sacred. It is heartbreaking, and ironically, so backbreaking to try do. Righteousness of or by works is a most cruel taskmaster. (I therefore find it even stranger that when I say these things to people who concern themselves with such matters, they scorn at me. Be that as it may, I won’t be deterred by any.)
For how right you are again, saying, “The controversy sir is between God and the Devil, Satan. He wants ..... to oppose God in every aspect of truth.” But, have you ever given it a thought that the devil will attack where least expected he would? Which area may that be? Ever thought the statement in Daniel, “he (the little horn speaking gross things against God) shall think to change Times and Law” might give the clue as to where the devil will concentrate forces most?
We expected the devil to strike through civil legislation. Maybe that will also become true. But where does one find the Law which for the People of God is their only Law in every respect and aspect of life? In the Bible and essentially in the New-Testament Scriptures and Gospel of Christ! Now it may come as a surprise to you satan as it seems has taken from his arch-enemy Christ and His Church “The Body of Christ’s Own”, its emblem of strength and rule, the Seventh Day Sabbath of the LORD Almighty that ‘identifies’ Him not only ‘as the Creator of the univers’, but in fact as the God-Saviour of the universe : Lord Triumphator over the forces of evil!
How does the devil do it? By to all indications having won the
field and taken the fortress called ‘Sabbath’ or ‘Restingplace’ the ‘Day of
Worship and Rest’ by Christ’s feat of resurrection from the dead. The devil
took down God’s emblem and banner of Victory and Lordly rule vested in the
Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, and, Sunday worshipping, trampled it under foot!
Yea, by having – as it seems – cleaned
out from under Monument of Rest Seventh Day Sabbath, its very Foundation and
Cornerstone : the LORD Conqueror in
So, the devil is very happy that we by keeping the 7th day Sabbath holy, are simply affirming that God is the creator. He as far as the Sabbath and Sabbath Commandment are concerned, in particular wishes us never “come to the knowledge of Christ” and of “the Power of his resurrection”. The devil wishes to have the Gospel replaced by the Law in every sphere of our lives, especially the sphere of faith and worship. Thus only can he replace the Sabbath with the Sunday — by having the Sabbath’s Christ-Foundation removed from under it and its Commandment, the Sabbath’s Christ-Foundation verily the resurrection of Christ from the dead.
For the Seventh Day is the Sabbath of the LORD Almighty, and God established it the Lord’s Day having in his Omnipotency, even by the exceeding greatness of his power raised Christ from the dead on it. Therefore the Sabbath of the Lord the Lord’s Day is the Lord’s; it has never changed day, and never will change day ONLY BECAUSE Jesus rose from the dead “on” it; “in” it; even “by Sabbath’s-time” of the Seventh day of the week, “according to the Scriptures the third day”— “according to the Scriptures” the passover-Scriptures.
The Sabbath will never change day exactly because Jesus by resurrecting from the dead on the Sabbath, changed it into the New Testament Sabbath and Sabbath of God’s Eternal Covenant of Grace.
Surely, God nor Christ “left command to commemorate” Sunday. It’s totally irrelevant.
But God did leave most relevant and established most certain Command and Commandment ‘to commemorate the resurrection’ as well as the Sabbath of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead : the Sabbath by Christ’s resurrection on it, and the Resurrection by virtue of itself constituting and being ‘Command’ as well as ‘Commandment’.
Like God gave Command and Commandment in Genesis 2:2-3 by the Word yet without a written word of ‘Command’, it is God’s honouring of Christ’s resurrection, his honouring of the day of Christ’s resurrection, that establishes Commandment— that establishes Commandment even of the Sabbath Day, day of Christ’s resurrection. Christ establishes Commandment by and in rising from the dead on the Sabbath Day : Himself being the resurrection from the dead, Himself being the ‘Commandment’ ‘to commemorate the resurrection’.
God is his own Commandment; his Command unto Himself. This is a principle of interpretation that invites the denouncement of human wisdom, and begs it for display of the costliness of discipleship.
Damon Mubinde:
“Now sir be bold and brave, which day is the Sabbath? (Whether to commemorate creation, redemption OR BOTH.)
And I, GE, am privileged and thankful and eager to confess: “The Seventh Day, Sabbath of the LORD God” verily by the name of itself given it by the LORD God Himself, by this name of it speaking for itself, says : The Sabbath is to “commemorate” both creation and redemption. Yet because of redemption in Christ and through Christ, the name of the Sabbath tells : The Sabbath is first for commemoration of redemption, and of creation only afterwards because it is a redeemed creation. So that the Sabbath was made in Christ through his resurrection from the dead, first. And from it, the creation as though created anew from death and transitoriness and corruptibility, has been created in Christ through his resurrection from the dead : incorruptible for evermore.
All honour Christ’s; all virtue Christ’s because He
resurrected; all praises Christ’s : A creation has been redeemed. The only
time-entity in all touched by the Finger of God : The Day of God’s “Thus
concerning”, speaking : “the Seventh Day; for God the Seventh Day finished all
his works.” Hb4:4.
Damon Mubinde:
“What Is the Origin of the 7-Day Week? ..... The only thing we seem to know for certain about the origin of the 7-day week is that we know nothing for certain.”
Except the only thing certain about “the Origin of the 7-Day Week” : the creation within which ‘the 7-day week’ is a reality: That Christ in having resurrected from the dead, established its origin and future existence for evermore. That’s why I believe Christ rose from the dead the Seventh Day of ‘the 7-day week’ reality, the Sabbath, so peculiarly of this our creation. Raise the Song of Moses and of the Lamb!
Damon Mubinde:
“The first pages of the Bible explain how God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. This seventh day became the Jewish day of rest, the sabbath, Saturday.”
Yes, even with the Jews, the Sabbath degraded into ‘Saturday’; what a pity. It must be because they never discovered the inner secrets of its wealth and treasures in Christ. Christianity who share the Jews’ prejudices toward the Sabbath (that it is not ‘Christian’) have suffered the same loss. Sabbath-keeping Christians are worst off, seeing they not only with the Jews share the Sabbath’s Christ-less origin and reason for being, but they also deny the Sabbath Christ’s resurrection on it, as, and for its only worth worth God’s while with the Seventh Day. They like sell the Sabbath’s birthright to the First Day of the week for far less than a pot of beans soup.
Damon Mubinde:
locations sometimes mentioned as the birthplace of the 7-day week include:
Yes; while the Biblical location of the birthplace of the 7-day week is the heart of love of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in unison and the full fellowship with one another in One Godhead, “when God raised Christ from the dead .... by the glory of the Father”, “On the Sabbath” and Seventh Day of God’s creating for the redemption of all the works of God. I don’t want to miss out!
I hope I enriched and did not rob you of any enjoyment of God’s Sabbath Day tomorrow, 5 June 2009. Please share with your Congregation these few thoughts if you may deem them fit.